
Monday, February 7, 2022

When Overwhelmed Look Up

"But I pray to you, Lordin an acceptable time; in your great love and mercy, O God, answer me with your sure salvation. Rescue me from the mire, do not let me sink; deliver me from those who hate me, from the deep waters. Do not let the floodwaters engulf me or the depths swallow me up" - Psalm 69:13-15a

The phrase, " in an acceptable time" grabbed my attention today.  David is very aware of what’s going on.  He senses the rising tide around him.  The floodwaters of trouble are beginning to engulf him and he feels like he’s being swallowed up.  Can you think of a time in your life where you felt like David does here? I can, and David offers us a lifeline, sort of speak, for in the midst of his troubles, David stops and takes the opportunity to renew his commitment to the Lord once more, and so should we.

I remember as a new Christian this desire to run out ahead of God, not that I still don't do that today at times, but it was definitely a more prevalent trait as a new Christian. Just as soon as I got what I thought was a perfect idea, I took off and ran with it! And God would let me go as though He was waiting for me to spend all my energy...grow weary...fall on my face, for only then I'd look up! Only then, was I ready to sit quietly and listen to God's plan. 

I honestly can't count the times God picked me up, brushed me off and set me on my feet once more so that then we could do it together. I sense this is what is happening here with David. 

"In your great love and mercy, O God, answer me", 

David appeals to the rich mercy of God. Where would we be without His mercy and love? And how blessed are we that we can appeal to these incredible attributes at any time and know that He will hear us and show us His mercy?  O beloved, I pray we never take that for granted.

For with misery, no attribute is more sweet than mercy, and when coming under attack, the multitude of mercy is a treasure. 

"With your sure salvation."

Beloved, here's the key! Our salvation that was paid for by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and given to us freely as a gift is not factitious, nor a changeable thing- here today and gone tomorrow, but SURE, dependable, steady; the rock in which to stand firm on! 

As I meditated on these verses I began to see that God is using these to teach us the art of wrestling in prayer; of taking hold of what we are sure of and setting them before our Father when we and our flesh and abilities are exhausted. 

I'd love to know your thoughts.
