
Sunday, February 13, 2022

Speak, Lord, For Your Servant Is Listening - 1 Samuel 2:26

My Grandma always said, “God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. Be sure you’re using those ears to listen to God!” Great advice since I’ve always been better at talking than listening. Whatever is on my heart, I go to God. I tell Him all my thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, and disappointments. And that’s exactly what He wants me to do. However there’s more to it. Because the Lord doesn’t just want me talking. More importantly, like my Grandma said, He wants me listening. Actively seeking His voice, direction, correction, and will. To say, as did the young Samuel, “Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:10)

Samuel was a mighty prophet of Israel. But he only got that way by learning to hear, recognize, and obey God’s voice. This allowed him to grow closer and in favor with the Lord. And if we want to grow closer to God, we too must learn to do the same. Many are the ways the Lord tries speaking to us. One is through His Word. Often when we’re reading the Bible, the Holy Spirit will make a particular scripture or passage jump out at us. Another is through prayer. As our two-way life line of communication with God, prayer is our chance to not only talk, but more importantly, listen for His small, still voice. And yet another is through a feeling or impression. Some call them “God Tugs”.  A pull of conviction on our heart. Or a sense of just knowing something deep in our spirit. 

God never intends for our relationship with Him to be one of coldness or distance. As our Father in heaven, He longs for us to run into His open arms of pure, unconditional love. To hop up on the lap of our Abba, and share with Him everything we do and are. God wants a relationship with us that is so close, nothing can shake us from His perfect love, grace, and peace. So today I challenge you to use the ears of your heart to listen for the Lord. Be on the lookout throughout your day for “God Tugs.” Little “aha” moments where you recognize God reaching out. And when you spot one, stop and say, “Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.”