
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Got Milk?

I remember when my first child was born that the pediatrician strongly recommended mother’s milk vs formula, especially during the first few months to make sure the infant got the best nutrition and immunity support possible. I learned then that God designed a mother’s milk to change over time so that it was tailored to the changing needs of the baby. Not only does the composition change across the time table of weeks and months but also during a 24 hour period with different nutrients present during morning hours compared to night. The milk satisfies the pallet of a baby as well which encourages continued feeding and growth. God definitely designed milk to be a uniquely wonderful substance vital to life. 

Like a newborn needs the life giving nourishment of a mother’s milk, Christian’s need the nurture of the pure spiritual milk which is God’s Word.  God’s Word is living and life giving. It is tailored to provide us with the spiritual comfort and nutrition that we need to grow and thrive spiritually. I like to think that just as breast milk changes to meet the changing needs of an infant, God tailors what we receive from the Bible to meet our spiritual needs. I can read through a passage of scripture that I’ve read countless times before and God may show me something completely new and personal that meets my current needs and broadens my understanding of how He is working in my heart and life at that particular time. The sweetness of those experiences make me thirst for more. 

Do you remember the popular ads for milk where various celebrities pose with milk mustaches proudly displayed and the caption Got Milk? This ad campaign started to emphasize the necessity of always having milk on hand and the unfortunate struggles of running out. The evidence of their thirst quenching experience is proudly displayed above a beaming smile. I think that our time being nurtured by the milk of God’s Word should leave similar evidence for the world to see. They should see that something has been tasted and left our spirits satisfied with God’s goodness!

Reflection: Do you long for the pure spiritual milk of God’s Word? Can you say that you have tasted that the Lord is good? Does the world see evidence that your soul has been spiritually nurtured?