
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Friday Feb. 11th-Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith

Abba Father,

I rejoice in that we have Your word that we can turn to each day of our lives.  That Your word is alive and active and that we have a great cloud of witnesses who by faith have testified to the truth of Your absolute faithfulness to encourage us. Your every word proves true.  As we go through each day we can keep our focus on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.  It was for joy that He endured the cross.  The joy of knowing that He has covered our sins with His blood and that we will live in eternity of fellowship with You.  He was there from the beginning and Your glory Father rests on us.  Let us not grow weary and lose heart by meditating on Him and what He endured.  You are the One who rescues us in our troubles. 

