
Sunday, October 24, 2021

Michal- Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

Michal- Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

As her maidservant packed her belongings, Michal stared out of  the window through tear soaked eyes. After years of pain and grief, her heart had begun to mend. And through much struggle, she had finally managed to put her painful memories of David in the past. Michal had moved on with another man. One who loved her with deeply, and whose passion was rivaled only by the love Michal once felt for David. And even though she had detested her father for forcing her to marry this man, in time Michal had grown fond of him. Yet now here she was, once again finding her heart being torn apart. And once again, finding the hurt caused by David.

“The caravan is ready and the men are here,” said the maidservant softly. But the sound of her small voice was drowned out by the roar of thoughts swirling in Michal’s head. She remembered the first time she saw David. He was standing in the courtyard with her father, his brown hair shining in the rays of the sun. Every time he smiled, his eyes twinkled as if a bit of starlight danced in each one. And when he gazed at Michal, she felt as if his eyes penetrated her very soul. And instantly she knew, Michal loved David. 

It didn’t matter that Saul, would use that love as a weapon. Nor did it matter that David would use that love as a shield. Because Michal was so lost in her adoration of David, that she was willing to give him everything. But she would soon find out that when we lay our hearts in complete devotion before anyone other than God, heartache is sure to follow. For instead of them being tenderly picked up by gentle hands of love and grace, they get trampled by fallen feet of sinful human nature. 

A short time later thinking a rebellion was just around the corner, Saul’s anger burned towards David. Attacking him with a spear, the king attempted to murder his once beloved friend. But David managed to get free, running off to the first place anyone would, home to his wife. But not to save Michal, or to take her with him. No. Instead David depended on Michal’s love to help him escape. 

Buying David the precious time he needed, Michal made David’s bed look like he was lying in it. And when Saul sent guards to the house looking for him, Michal lied saying David was ill and couldn’t get out of bed. When her ruse was discovered a few days later, Michal paid the price for placing her trust in a man who left her to face the punishment alone. She learned the hard way that there is only One worthy of our unfettered trust. Only One who promises to never leave nor forsake us. And that One is God.

Michal had put her hope in her earthly father’s love and understanding. But far from receiving the mercy and grace our heavenly Father showers His children in, Michal was met with anger and retribution. For Saul ripped her away from everything and everyone she knew, sending Michal off to marry another man. She was heartbroken, but convinced that it wouldn’t be long before David would come for her.

But he didn’t come. Years passed, and still David didn’t come. Worse yet, Michal had received the demoralizing news that David had taken on other wives. And so with her heart and dreams shattered, Michal resolved herself to finally accept this new man and new life. Yet no sooner had she done so, when here she was again, due to a whim of the king, pulled away from those she loved. Only this time the king was David. And he wasn’t bringing her back because he loved her, but because she was his rightful property. And the caravan now awaiting her was filled with guards sent to take Michal and bring her to Jerusalem. 

Michal was jolted back to reality by the sounds of wailing and footsteps coming up the stairs. Those in her household, including her new husband were all in distress at her leaving. And as they walked her out, she sorrowfully said her goodbyes, beginning the the detestable journey back to David. For this time there was no hopeful joy at seeing her husband again. the Because the love that Michal had for David which had once seared her heart with happiness, now turned to hate, searing it with sorrow. And forever on, in her heart, she despised him.

From the time we are little we are taught to search for that one perfect love. To find our fairy tale ending, our soul mate, the one that completes us. And Michal was no different. But she looked for love in all of the wrong places. She could have had a “happily ever after.” And so can we. But it can only be found in God. For He is our “perfect match”, our “love of a lifetime”, and our “Abba, Father”. And when we put all of our hope, faith, and trust in Him, never ever will He break our hearts.