
Saturday, September 25, 2021

Women of the Bible ~ Miriam ~ Scripture Saturday ~ Psalm 103:2-3


Welcome to Scripture Saturday! 

Our verse for this week is Psalm 103:2-3..."Praise the Lord, my soul,and forget not all His benefits-who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases..."

This week we will hear more about Miriam, a woman who played an important part in the deliverance of God's people. She saved Moses, who went on to be their deliverer, and she was there as His people walked through the Red Sea. She loved her people and I can only imagine how joyful she must have been as she trusted and walked (perhaps ran!) along the path God made through the sea. Exodus 15 gives us the first song recorded in the Bible, penned by Moses, praising and worshipping God. It is known as the "Song of Moses and Miriam" Exodus 15.

Miriam's life however took a turn. She started to question Moses and his authority. The Lord, Who hears all, disciplined Miriam by striking her with leprosy. 

The verse for this week reminds us that, although we can all recall the times in our lives that God has blessed us, answered our prayers, strengthened us, given us wisdom, loves us beyond what we can imagine, we may sin against Him. BUT GOD, perhaps through grief that brings repentance, will heal, forgive, and will restore our relationship with Him. Be certain of this...He did so for Miriam and He will for us.

Have a blessed week everyone!
