
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Thursday Sept. 30-Miriam, murmurings


Thursday  Sept. 30th- Miriam, murmurings

Numbers 12: 1-16 

Murmurings- Uttering complaints in a low voice or sullen manner; grumbling; complaining [1820 Websters Dictionary]

Numbers 12:1-2-Miriam and Aaron are complaining against Moses their brother because of the woman he married.  They questioned whether the Lord had only spoken through Moses, does the Lord not speak through us also?


Their complaint against the woman he married was just a cover up for what really bothered them.  Remember everything that you think or murmur about, God hears.


Father,                                                                                            Aaron and I were talking how Moses had married a Cushite woman but we were really jealous of his relationship with You.  You heard us and called us out about it and in front of Moses.  Why did we think that You would not hear or do anything about what we were saying?  You were angry with us as You should be. What shame we had brought to You!  When you departed I was left in a leprous state.  I deserved death and You spared my life.  Aaron pleaded with Moses our brother on my behalf.  Moses cried out to You and after my time outside the camp I was healed.  Those were the longest 7 days of my life.  It gave me much time to think about what I had done.  Lord I want to go back to the days when I led the women in songs of praises to You our God for delivering us.  Exodus 15:21.  I want to serve You with songs of praise the rest of the days of my life.


Are you grumbling and complaining?

Are you jealous of someone?

Each one of us has a different walk with Jesus, do not be jealous of someone else.  Remember who you are in Christ. 

Eph. 1:3-14 -


Every Friday we meet for prayer and would love to have you join us.  We meet at 9:00am EST.  over at women in the word bulletin board on our face book page.