
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Miriam - “Never Give Up Hope”

The hero’s of Exodus are often remembered as Moses and Aaron. But not to be forgotten is Miriam. A girl born into slavery, who never gave up, or ever lost hope. Miriam’s courage and strength carried her throughout her life as she grew to be a faithful prophet of God; leading her people out of bondage.

Miriam - “Never Give Up Hope”

The itching was terrible and Miriam was doing everything she could not to scratch. For if she did, the lesions on her arm would burst open and become infected. And the pain already was unbearable. She wrapped her blanket tighter, and looked out into the distance. 

A few miles away, Miriam could see the flicker of firelight and hear the muffled voices of men talking and children laughing. It was almost dusk, and the people of the camp were beginning to gather to their tents for the evening meal. She sat down next to the small fire she had managed to light, and a tear rolled down her cheek. 

“Why did I have to open my big mouth?,” Miriam cried. “I knew it was wrong to gossip about the wife of Moses, but I just couldn’t stand the thought of her walking around like she was somebody important! Who does she think she is anyway?” But as she looked again at her home in the distance, in her heart Miriam knew she had done wrong. And now she was facing the consequences. 

Struck by God with leprosy, the once esteemed prophetess of Israel was now reduced to an outsider. For as was the practice, being unclean, Miriam was forced to leave the camp. Seven long days she was to face the humiliation, pain, and separation alone by herself. With a heavy sigh Miriam murmured, “The camp will probably move on without me in the morning. Moses likes to get an early start.” And with a lump in her throat added, “I hope I can keep up. I’ll just have to do the best I can.”

Trying not to give in to despair, she laid down near the opening of her tent and gazed up at the nighttime sky twinkling with stars. And as Miriam drifted asleep; her thoughts floated back to a time when hope was all she had. That hope she desperately clung to as she placed her baby brother’s basket in the water of the Nile. That hope which had whispered to her heart that someday she would be reunited with that same lost brother. And that hope she had in the Lord which gave her the courage to help lead His people to the promised land. 

The soft, warm nuzzle Miriam felt against her cheek roused her from her sleep. As her eyes opened to the morning sun, she saw a young lamb staring back at her. Startled, Miriam went to stand. As she did the little sheep turned and ran. And to her delight, Miriam watched as he ran all the way back to the Israel camp. The camp that was still there! The one that hadn’t left her behind! The people who shut her out, but who didn’t walk away! Miriam’s hope was rekindled, and her heart humbled, as with each passing day, she could see the camp faithfully in the distance. 

When the time finally came for Miriam to go back to her people, again she relied on hope. For she couldn’t help but wonder how she would be received. Would Israel be forgiving? Would her brothers be happy to see her? Her hope was realized when a large group of the people came to welcome her back. They walked beside her the whole way dancing and singing songs of celebration. And when she entered the camp, Miriam was brought in again. 

Miriam’s story shows us that no matter the circumstances, there is always hope. And like Miriam, when we put our hope in Jesus, no matter how dark the night, the dawn of Christ will always rise. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)