
Friday, February 5, 2021

Women of the Bible ~ Mary of Bethany ~ Scripture Saturday ~ Matthew 26:10


Welcome to Scripture Saturday!

Our verse for this week is Matthew 26:10..."Aware of this, Jesus said to them, 'Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me.'"

A group of us from WitW are reading a book together, The Good and Beautiful Community by James Bryan Smith. In the first chapter, Mr. Smith speaks about how Christians should all be "peculiar people" (1 Peter 2:9). In this verse we see Mary being a "peculiar" person - she was doing something different from the ordinary, the common, from everyone else. She took an expensive jar of perfume and poured it over Jesus' head in an act of worship.

Jesus knew the true love in Mary's heart and it was an encouragement to Him at this hour of stress, at a time when He was aware of so many who hated Him. It was a beautiful and "peculiar" act. 

The difference between us and the world isn't just how we live, but why we live this way. We do this because we are followers of Jesus Christ. He is our teacher, and the Holy Spirit is our strength and comforter. 

As you are memorizing our verse for this week, spend time praising Him for all the beautiful things He has done for you. Then honor Him by giving Him something precious in your life - even the smallest gesture can become beautiful to God.

Have a blessed week everyone!