
Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Study on Mary of Magdalene

 Hi Girls! 

We hope and pray you are learning a lot about each of the women we have studied thus far and their lives have made a positive impact onto your own! It's now onto week 4 and Mary Magdalene!

Our Memory Verse  for this week is Isaiah 43:1

..."But now, this is what the Lord says—He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you, Israel: 'Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.'"

Mary Magdalene's story is found in these passages:

Matthew 27:57 -61

Matthew 28:1-10

Mark 15: 40-47

Mark 16: 1-11

Luke 8:2-3 

Luke 24:1-11, 22-24

John 19:25 

John 20:1-3, 11-18

Have you noticed a pattern forming in that one week we have very little Scripture to study and the next week we have tons? We hadn't planned it that way, I promise, and we want to encourage you to read a few of these passages each day this week to discover all we can about Mary Magdalene. 

This will be how our study this week will run: 

  • Monday: Her story--a portrait of her life
  • Tuesday: Her life and times--background information about the culture of her day
  • Wednesday: Her legacy in Scripture--a short Bible study on her life with application to your own
  • Thursday: Her promise--the Bible promises that apply to her life and yours
  • Friday: Her legacy of prayer--and praying in light of her story

We want to also encourage you to be thinking along these lines as you study each woman throughout the week. Ask yourself:

  • What life lessons stand out to me from her life?
  • How does the culture of that day have an impact on her circumstances?
  • What legacy has she left us?
  • What's the greatest takeaway/promise from her story?
  • How does her story prompt you in the area of prayer?

I hope you are just as excited as we are to begin this week's study on the life of Mary Magdalene! 

We'll see you in the morning! 
