
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Handmaiden of the Lord {Luke 1}

 Luke 1

I know that everyone, when asked what Mary's legacy would be, would most likely answer that she was favored by God to be the mother of our Lord and Savior. No question, that this will always be Mary's ultimate legacy, but when I think of Mary, it's verse 1:38 in Luke that immediately comes to my mind.

"Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed"

Have you ever been asked to do something and your first thought is, "Why me? I can't possibly do that!" And all these reasons why begin forming in your head? I have to admit that, that has happened to me more times than I'd like to admit to. 

Letting ourselves be used by God can be hard at times. It requires us being willing to let ourselves be taken out of our comfort zones and sent in different directions than we might have otherwise chosen. It requires us being willing to turn our lives over to someone greater than ourselves.

It’s believed Mary was between the age of 13 through 16. Do you remember being a young teenager? Mary was already engaged to Joseph however, and her life was already planned out! Plus, you can imagine how people would talk back then!

Beloved, letting God be in charge of our lives is absolutely fundamental to the Christian faith, and yet it is something that I struggle with each and every day, for my pride and self-centeredness are forever warring for independence and I forget all too often that I too am a bond-servant or handmaiden of the Lord.

I know we live in a culture that says we should be self-reliant and independent, and the idea that I need to daily surrender myself to someone greater is completely counter cultural. Although it is hard and totally out of the norm, I need to remember that letting God take charge:

  • Will provide me with the chance to go places that I would not have otherwise chosen. 
  • Will give me opportunities that I would not have come up with on my own. 
  • Will mean that I do not have to rely on my own strength or wisdom to deal with the challenge before me.
  • It will be the Creator of this Universe working through me!
  • It will mean I and others will be blessed.
  • And He will be glorified.

This is exactly why Mary was brave enough to immediately turn her life over to the service of God. It wasn't going to be easy; there were going to be challenges along the way, "a sword would pierce her soul", but as the Lord’s servant she would be directly responsible for changing the fate of all humankind. Imagine that! 

Where would we all be today if Mary had refused to be God's handmaiden? 

And what is He calling you to do today? 

Whatever it is, it may not impact the entire world, but even if it is only one, that one is counting on you!

May each of us say each day to our Savior and Lord, "Behold I am the Lord's handmaiden. Let it be to me according to Your word."

