
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Mary, An Ordinary Girl Through Whom God Did Extraordinary Things

At the tender age of 12 or 13, as Jewish custom dictated, Mary was betrothed in marriage to a man named Joseph. I often imagine the excitement she felt preparing for the upcoming wedding and starting this new chapter of her young life. Yet all of her dreams and plans came to a screeching halt when Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel. “Greetings, favored one!”, said the angel.  The Lord is with you.” (Luke 1:28) As Mary was wondering who this man was and what he wanted, the angel shared something even more shocking! “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him, Jesus.” (Luke 1:30-31) 

Gabriel went on to tell Mary that this son Jesus, conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit, was actually the Son of God, and would sit on the throne of David, ruling forever! Imagine the thoughts, fear, and confusion swirling in Mary’s young mind! And yet even not fully comprehending the true depths of Gabriel’s message or what she would have to endure, Mary replied, “May it be done to me according to your word.” This young, innocent, girl, had a faith so strong, not only didn’t she hesitate to be used by God, she believed fully that God would provide all she needed to see His will done! And throughout her life and struggles, Mary relied on that faith to see her through. 

Oh how the momma’s heart in me sings with joy at the happiness Jesus brought to Mary’s life. The great love she felt holding Him in her arms, the excitement of watching Him grow, and the wonder of knowing He was her long awaited Messiah. And just as equally, my heart aches knowing that Mary witnessed the pain, betrayal, and sacrifice Jesus endured. And how torn her heart must have been as she watched her son nailed to the Cross. 

Bible scholars agree that Joseph had long since died before the death of Jesus. So near the end of her story, we find Mary widowed and grieving the loss of her child. Yet she is still willing to be used by God. For after the death of Jesus, it would have been custom for Mary to return home to be with her family; and the Bible tells us that Mary had other sons and daughters. ( Mark 6:3) Yet before He died, Jesus commanded Mary to go with the apostle John, and Mary followed. (John 19:26-27) It is widely believed that is there, in Jerusalem, where Mary stayed with the disciples working in the ministry up until her death.

Do you wish that you too could be used mightily by God, but wonder what He could ever do with someone like you? We need to remember that God didn’t choose Mary because she was the prettiest, smartest, or special in any way. He chose Mary because of her heart. 

Do you have the heart of Mary? The heart of Mary is open to receiving God’s calling. How is your prayer life? We can’t hear from God if the lines of communication aren’t open. The heart of Mary is ready to answer God’s calling. Are you ready, no matter the cost, to lay down your own plans to see God’s done? And finally, the heart of Mary is an obedient one. Will you follow where the God leads no matter where He takes you? 

The same words Gabriel spoke to that young Jewish girl he speaks to us as well. “Do not be afraid, for you have found favor with God.” (Luke 1:30) As followers of Christ we too are favored by God. So with the heart of Mary, be brave, be faithful, and be open to His calling. And watch how God, through little old you, does awesome and amazing things!