
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Mary Magdalene, A Love Story


Mary Magdalene

The room was still dark when Mary awakened. For a moment the events of the past days seemed like nothing more than a horrible nightmare. As she rose and lit the oil lamp, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the polished water pitcher sitting on a table nearby. A tear stained face with swollen eyes, stared back at her. And instantly Mary knew it was no dream. She fell to her knees as the horrific images of her Savior being crucified came rushing back, and the tears began to flow once more.

Jesus Christ, Mary’s Master, Teacher, and Friend, had been arrested and sentenced to death. He was beaten beyond recognition, wearing a crown of thorns, and hung on a Cross. Many others who had followed this Man now deserted Him in fear. But not Mary. Her heart wouldn’t allow her to leave. And so there she stood at the feet of her Savior, whom she loved so dearly. She witnessed His unbelievable grace as He forgave those crying out for His death. She felt His amazing love as He turned the care of His mother over to His dearest friend. And with a broken heart, she heard Him take His very last breath. 

When it was over, Mary watched from afar as Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea removed the body of Christ from the Cross. And after they had wrapped Him in linen filled with spices fit for a king, Mary followed behind as they laid His body in a tomb. And only after the tomb had been sealed with a stone rolled across it, did Mary return home to grieve her terrible loss.

That was two days ago. And now, in the early morning hours, Mary was off to meet the mother of James. Together they were going back to the tomb where her Lord laid. Oh how Mary had longed to go yesterday, but as it was the Sabbath, she had to wait. But at last, today, she could return to her Messiah. Loving and gently, she would properly anoint His body with spices she had so painstakingly purchased.

As she walked in the darkness, Mary’s mind wandered back to when she first met this Jesus of Nazareth. Her life then was one of agony and suffering. Being possessed by seven demons, Mary was battered and bruised, both physically and mentally. She was considered an outcast and shunned by society. But then Jesus came. And instead of turning away in disgust as so many others before Him, He turned toward her. “Mary”, He called. Mary looked into His face and suddenly felt a wave of love wash through her that she had never before experienced. Finally she was free! The demons that had ravaged her life for so many years had left at the command of this Man! And from that moment on, in loving thankfulness, she had devoted her life to following and serving Jesus. But now with His death, all of that had been ripped away.

As Mary neared the tomb, she wondered aloud who would help roll the stone away so the women could get inside and perform the anointing. But when they arrived, to Mary’s horror, she found the stone already removed and no body inside. The linens Jesus had been wrapped in laid crumbled on the ground, but His body was nowhere to be found. Instead some strange man dressed in a white robe stood inside. “Jesus is not here”, said the man. “He has risen, just as He said.” Confused and afraid, Mary ran back to tell her fellow disciples what had just happened. 

Racing back to the tomb with Peter, Mary stood to catch her breath while the disciple looked inside. After seeing for himself that the Lord was gone, Peter left to tell the others, leaving Mary alone at the tomb. This was just all too much for her, and Mary collapsed in a pile of tears. In the midst of her grief, she heard a man ask, “Woman, why are you crying?" Who is it you are looking for?" Thinking this man the gardener, she pled, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him." Then suddenly the voice became the same familiar and loving one she heard calling her name all those years ago. “Mary”, He said. Instinctively she turned and answered, “Teacher!”

How could this be? Standing in front of Mary was Jesus, alive and talking to her! “Mary”, Jesus said again snapping her out her wonderment. “Pull yourself together and deliver my message to My disciples. For I have not yet ascended to My Father.”

Although she was pained to again leave her Lord, Mary obeyed. And as she left to share the good news, tears once again filled her eyes. But far from tears of pain, the tears she now cried were of joy and gladness. For her Savior had returned and had chosen her to be the first one to appear before. 

As she walked Mary now had a pep in her step, for she couldn’t wait to tell everyone of Christ’s return, His great love and His ability to rescue anyone from even the greatest depths of darkness.