
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Friday January 15th- Elizabeth's prayer- Luke 1:5-80


Friday January 15th- Elizabeth’s prayer-Luke 1: 5-80

This week we have been studying Elizabeth.  She and her husband, Zecharais were considered righteousness in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord.  She trusted Him with all her heart and did not lean on her own understanding.  She acknowledged Him in all her ways and He made her paths straight.  Come with me as I share how I think she prayed over the years of her life.

Lord, You are the Almighty One.  The Creator of the heavens and the earth.  My soul has found rest in You God alone.  My hope comes from You.  You are my fortress, I will not be shaken.  On You Lord, my salvation rests.  You are my Rock of strength, my refuge is in You.  I trust in You at all times and I pour out my heart to You.  For many years Lord, Zecharais and I have prayed for a child and (we have learned to trust in You and to wait on You for we know that You hear and listen to whatever we ask of You and You have always answered) and now when it was impossible in the world’s eyes that I would not be able to conceive anymore, You did a miraculous thing and granted to us a son, whom You named John.  [John-God has been gracious! ] 


That day when Mary came to visit me, You filled me with the Holy Spirit and out of my mouth came, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb”, I knew that she was the mother of our Lord and the baby in me leaped for joy at the sound of her voice.   It was a joyous time spending a few months with Mary. 

I remember the day Zacharais came home from his priestly duties,  I could tell something was different, the moment he walked in the door.  He could not talk and as he was sharing with me what happened, my heart was rejoicing in knowing that we would have a son and that he had a special purpose, to be the forerunner of Jesus.  It was a quiet nine months but a time of worshiping You, Lord and waiting for the birth of John.

I can still remember Zacharais’ prayer the day John was born.  He was praising you right from the moment that he got his voice back.  He began praising You and prophesying that You had brought redemption and salvation to Your people.  A salvation from our enemies and to show mercy to His people, remembering His holy covenant, the oath which He swore to Abraham our father.  That John would be called a prophet of the Most High; for he will go before the Messiah to prepare His ways, to give His people the knowledge of salvation and the forgiveness of their sins and to guide our feet into the way of peace and serenity. 

Lord, I thank You for giving to us exceedingly, abundantly beyond what we asked when we prayed for a child.  I rejoice in You, my Lord and my King!  The Holy One of Israel.  For there is nothing too difficult for You! Amen


How do you strengthen yourself in the Lord during difficult times or when prayer requests go unanswered  and you have been waiting for a very long time and now it seems impossible that it will be answered?

Remember nothing is impossible with God! Luke 1:37

What scriptures do you turn to?

I John 5:14-15-This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.

Persevere and rejoice my sisters in knowing that if we ask Him anything according to His will we have it. 

Post prayer requests as we get together every week to pray for you all!