
Sunday, January 24, 2021

A Letter From Anna


This week our study turns to Anna, an elderly prophetess from Jerusalem. Reading her story, and of Anna’s deep commitment to God, brought up memories of my own beloved Grandmother. A godly woman, my Grandmother would often send letters filled with faith and wisdom that comes only with age and a close walk with the Lord. And it got me wondering if she could, what kind of letter would Anna write? I imagine it might go something like this....

My dearest loved ones,

Oh how I’m bursting with joy to share the news! Finally after many years of waiting, God has given me the deepest desires of my heart. For today I saw the long awaited Messiah! A perfect little baby boy who will grow up to save the world!

Precious ones, God is so very good. He has blessed my long and faithful service to Him. As you well know, for many, many years I have been ministering before the Lord in the temple. My days and nights are filled with fasting, praying, and proclaiming His Word for all to hear. And although I’ve spent most of my life in the temple, I  must admit, sometimes it feels like just yesterday when I first came to the Lord’s house.

After seven years of marriage, my husband had passed. Broken hearted and at a crossroads, my Father Phanuel, wanted me to remarry. After all, that’s what a respectable Jewish woman does. But my heart wasn’t leading me to be a wife and mother. Instead it longed to dedicate my life in complete service to my God and His people. I guess you could call me a rebel, because that’s just what I did. And ever since, I have been joyfully working and waiting for prophecy to be fulfilled, and the promises of God brought to life. Which brings me back to why I’m writing. As I shared earlier, I have seen the Christ child! 

It was a day like any other. Mothers and fathers were arriving with their babies for the purification ceremony, as dictated by our culture. It’s always such a sweet sight to watch the proud families as they present their child to God, and the innocence and hope found in the faces of the newborns. As I was praying, I felt the Spirit lead me to go to the entrance of the temple. Once there, I saw standing before me, brother Simeon, a very devout man of faith. He was holding a baby and pronouncing great blessing over the child. Immediately my heart leapt with joy and tears streamed down my face, for I knew instantly that this was the promised Messiah! Praise sprung from my lips for the grace God showed me by letting me see His only begotten Son! 

Sweet sisters and brothers, I have heard that some of you have struggled with doubt, or in finding your purpose. Have you gone to God, asking for a heart of belief? Have you, in faith, laid your doubts at His feet? I Anna, prophetess from the tribe of Asher, can testify that every word of God rings true. I have seen His promises fulfilled before my very eyes. And if there’s anything I have learned in my 84 years it’s this. Believe! For each and every promise of God will come to pass. Finally, keep working for God’s kingdom. Because no matter who we are, or our age, when we live with an open heart, the Spirit will lead us to our calling. 

I’ll close now and with a heart of gladness, I thank God for each of you. “May the Lord bless you and keep you; Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Num. 6:24-26)

Chazak u'baruch, (Be strong and be blessed),
