
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Watch & Pray {Matthew 26}

 Matthew 26

A New Year is almost here! Are you ready for 2021? I don't think any of us anticipated all we'd face in 2020, so what about 2021? I chose this poster because I thought it depicted our future to a tee, for the truth is, no one knows what we will face next year, but are you prepared? 

There was a reason Jesus urged the disciples to remain vigilant about prayer in Matthew 26. Although, Jesus knew what He was about to face, He wanted to teach His disciples a valuable principle about the power of prayer that enables us to  experience victory over temptation;

 "Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:40-41 emphasis mine)

If ever there was a verse of scripture that described me to a tee, it’s this one. My heart longs to bless the Lord everyday. And everyday I seek to serve Him wholeheartedly, yet find myself failing at some point. Somewhere along the way my old nature, with its prideful, selfish self, seems to take over.  

I wonder if the disciples were truly too tired after a filling meal, or did their pride tell them they could handle whatever their future held. Just imagine, Peter was willing to die for Him one moment, (Mt. 26:31-35) and the next couldn't remain vigilant in prayer. 

The truth is, beloved, Jesus understands that our flesh is contaminated by sin and weak when it comes to spiritual things. Therefore, He encourages us to seek His strength so that we may live for Him and not give in to our flesh. 

God's Holy Spirit within every believer desires for each of us to be holy and pure, so when we surrender our will to Him, we will become more like Christ. But when we depend on our own willpower and our own strength, we will succumb to temptations. 

Jesus is telling us here, that we should always be on the alert to the possibility of Satan’s temptation. Watch, in the Strong's Concordance is defined as, give strict attention, be cautious, be alert, take heed lest some calamity overtake you.

Jesus also encourages us to pray, by bringing our needs and weaknesses “specifically” and “strategically” before God's throne in order to receive His help.

The truth is, no one really knows what 2021 will bring. But if we know and follow after Jesus, we've already been given everything we need to make this next year glorious!

O, Father God, You are our Rock and our Salvation, our Fortress that cannot be shaken. I thank You for loving us in spite of knowing that we will fail You at times. Thank You for being our strength when we are weak. Thank You for sealing us with Your Holy Spirit who leads us, guides, teaches, and aligns our lives with Yours. 

Father, we don't know what our future hold, but we are so very grateful that you do, and nothing will ever take You by surprise! Father, may each of us surrender our lives to You each day, trusting that You have our very BEST interest in mind.  In our precious Savior's name; in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

See you in 2021! 

