
Monday, December 14, 2020

Give Your Crumbs Away {Matthew 15}

 Matthew 15

December 15, 2020

We are halfway through the book of Matthew already and two full weeks into the season of Advent.  We are preparing for the coming of Christ.  During this season of preparation some people are praying, fasting and seeking repentance.  And we are full of anticipation, hope and joy.

Do some of the reactions Jesus has with certain people cause you to stop quickly?  Like how He treats the woman in verse 21-28.  We’ve read over and over how compassionate Jesus is, and immediately after this section, we are told how He has compassion on the 4,000 (v.32).

Was this a test for the woman who was persistent to seek Jesus’ healing?  Or is it a reminder to those who follow Jesus to be willing to share with those you don’t believe deserve to hear it?  Even the disciples (that’s us too), urged Jesus to send her away.

Are there people you don’t believe deserve Jesus?  Are you reluctant to walk out of church and greet the homeless people?  What about the gay couple standing nearby?  Or what about the people with accents or speaking a language you don’t understand? 

That was the problem with the disciples at the time of this gospel.  They were willing to send away the woman, a Canaanite woman - someone who was considered wicked, or idolatrous.  I want to take a minute to remind you of some history.  The Israelites were afraid of the Canaanites for they were strong, and lived in fortified cities, but God had promised the land of Canaan to the Israelites (the book of Numbers), and only Jacob and Caleb were confident that God would help them defeat the Canaanites.

I was reminded of this today as I walked out of church.  I attended a different church and I had to walk past a group of homeless people.  My first thoughts went to, do I stop?  Or walk on by?  Do we give them the crumbs?  Do we treat them like dogs?

Something brought these people, one in a wheelchair, to sit outside the church.  These friends knew that Jesus was inside the church, but was Jesus inside any of the people who walked out?

My heart ached as I walked past them, praying for them as I did not know what their needs were.   My car was just two parking spots beyond them.  I decided to watch to see if someone would stop.  And a young man stopped to give elbow bumps and friendly talk.

These people may come to this spot every Sunday morning, but this was my first time attending here and my first time encountering them.  I had just read this chapter before going to church, so it was fresh in my mind.  So was Immanuel.  God with us.  Today was the first Sunday of Advent and the priest reminded us that this is a season of grace.  It’s also the beginning of a new liturgical year and we were reminded that we can make new year’s resolutions.  Obviously, I’m not sure what’s going to change in me in the week’s to come, but we are 10 days from Christmas when this post is published.  I certainly hope that the crumbs I’ve been given, I can freely give to anyone I encounter.

