
Monday, December 7, 2020

Give Freely {Matthew 10}

Matthew 10

December 8, 2020

We had just completed the book of Revelation when I wrote this post, and the excitement I feel for Jesus’ return is why I want to share my faith with others.  It’s meant to be shared.  It is a gift that fills me up and overflows.  We are valued by God and we are called to stand up for Him (10:29-32)

Friends and family who are believers will embrace how you share your life.  Those who don’t accept the gospel have a lot of excuses and arguments to stay away.  And as much as I love Jesus more than anyone else, what He tells us to be prepared to experience in 34-39, has always created a bit of sadness in me.  Sad because some of these people you love the most simply do not experience the joy we have.


The Christian commitment may separate friends and loved ones.  Jesus is not encouraging disobedience to parents or create conflict at home.  Rather, He was showing that His presence demands a decision.  Because some will follow Christ and some won’t, conflict will inevitably come up.  As we take our cross and follow Him, our different values, morals, goals and purposes will set us apart from others.  Christ calls us to a higher mission than to find comfort and tranquility in this life.  Love of family is a law of God, but even this love can be self-serving and used as an excuse not to serve God or do His work. 

The week we ended our study in Revelation, I shared this quote from Billy Graham, “Let us live for Christ.  Let us trust Him.  Let us turn to Him in our time of need.  And let us joyfully walk hand and hand with our Lord Jesus Christ - regardless of our circumstances - until we personally and physically join Him throughout eternity.”  

Jesus tells us “Freely you have received; freely give.”  (v8)  Jesus said this when He sent the disciples out among the Israelites - among their own people.  Jesus said this to guide their actions as they ministered to others.  God has showered us with blessings, we should give generously to others of our time, love and possessions.  

I don’t know what your family make up is, but perhaps you have a family member or several who simply aren’t receptive to the gospel, but I struggle with shaking the dust from my feet to those who are not receptive to the teachings of God.   I see what Jesus tells us in verse 14 and it makes my concern even greater that they may not get another chance and that those who are rejecting the gospel may be worse off than those who never heard it.

I am reminded of Colossians 4:6 though as I know there will be opportunities to encounter family, especially throughout the upcoming holidays.  We do have to prepare to present the gospel, but we shouldn’t be worrying about how we share.  And as I said last week, let your salt shine!

