
Monday, November 2, 2020

You Hold The Key {Revelation 7}

 Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Revelation 7

The Jewish people believe that they are saved because of their bloodline - their heritage.  Other people believe similarly; possibly because of the letters on the building they enter weekly or on a certificate they possess.  But here in Revelation 7, we are told who enters heaven.  

This time will be extremely difficult for Jewish people.  The Gentiles cannot even be counted!  When you read "a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language", you just cannot imagine who all will be there.  

This morning I heard this song and I thought about how humbling it is to remember the crucifixion of Jesus and how He took on the sins of the world.  My sins were nailed to the cross.  His blood was poured out for me, when I should have my own blood poured out for what I've done.  And we should remember the crucifixion daily, especially when we get all puffed up because we hold our beliefs so proudly.

Today, here in America, we are voting in a presidential election, that in my opinion, has been a fierce battle.  Many people are concerned about our future as it seems so unknown.

But we do know something about our future because John is sharing everything we need to know.

Our future is secure in Christ and we know because verses 14-17 tell us what to focus on.

We will be clothed (14)

We will serve the Lord (15)

We will have shelter (15)

We will not be hungry nor thirsty (16)

We will not be scorched by the sun (16)

We will be comforted by our Shepherd (17)

We will always have living water (17)

Every tear will be wiped away (17)

We hold the key to our future and we have nothing to despair.  Just like in "Pilgrims Progress" Christian and Hopeful were locked up in the Doubting Castle with the Giant Despair when Christian realizes he held the key called Promise that opened all the doors and gates of Doubting Castle.

This quote from John Owen sums it up for me,

"The life and soul of all our comforts lie treasured up in the promises of Christ."

Whoever wins this election does not determine your future.  When you wake up tomorrow, you have a choice to make - are you going to allow yourself to be locked up in the Doubting  Castle and allow the Giant of Despair to rule your life?

Or are you going to use the Key of Promise and remember,

