
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Set Free {Mark 5}

Monday May 18, “Walking In Wisdom”

To many the story of Jesus healing the demoniac is one showing His authority as the Son of God, and an example of the many miracles He performed. But to me, it’s a story showing the great love the Lord has for us, and the depths He will go to set us free. 

There was a man from the country of Gerasenes who was possessed by demons. Unable to be bound by chains, “constantly, night and day, he was screaming among the tombs, and in the mountains, and bashing himself with stones.” (vs. 5) Can you imagine a life filled with such pain? He was shunned by society, forced into isolation, and mentally tormented 24 hours a day, to the point of cutting himself. He must have felt so lost and alone, with a heart surely empty of any hope of ever being saved. That was until from a distance he saw a boat land on the shore carrying his Savior, who had come at great lengths to rescue him. 

Jesus overcame obstacles and broke the rules to save this man. First Christ, the Jewish Messiah alone, sailed to a country mostly inhabited by Gentile’s. Next He calmed a fierce storm, not letting anything stand in the way of His rescue mission. After landing, Jesus looked upon the naked man bowing before Him, disregarding that Jews are forbidden from observing the nakedness of another person. And finally He healed the man who, according to Jewish tradition, had desecrated burial grounds which are considered holy and sacred sites, and not to be disturbed.

Jesus isn’t big on rules. Instead, He’s big on mercy. And when it comes to rescuing one of His own, He’ll pull out all the stops. The Lord knew beforehand that the healing He was about to perform would be met with anger and fear, and that the people of the land would beg Him to leave. Yet out of His great love, He freed the demoniac anyway sending the “unclean spirits” who tormented him relentlessly, into a herd of pigs who then ran down a steep bank to be drowned in the sea. Healed and thankful, under the command of the Lord the man, “went away and began to proclaim what great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed.” (vs. 20)  

Jesus tells us, “[For the Son of Man has come to save that which is lost.] What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go search for the one that is straying? “ (Matt. 18:11-12) Christ is our mighty Shepherd. And as part of His flock, just as He did with the demoniac, He will do whatever it takes to rescue us and set us free. For there is no one the Lord cannot find, no chain He cannot break, no stronghold He cannot conquer, and no sin His blood cannot cover. So if you are lost and hurting, call out to Jesus. Receive His amazing grace, and when He rescues you, proclaim throughout the world the “great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.” (vs. 19)