
Monday, May 11, 2020

Let's Go {Mark 1}

I have had a lot of time on my hands while working from home these past couple of months.  There has been a huge/tremendous shift from what was, to what is as of today.   I have discovered that I do not seem to fit into the mold of fear.  Everyone seems afraid these days.  Fear and uncertainty are what I was witnessing on the news and in commercials, until I chose to stop watching the news and having the television on.  Fear and uncertainty among family and friends. 

Mark 1 has been a difficult chapter for me to write on because Mark is very quick to lead us through the life of Jesus.  But that is what life is mostly about – making decisions in an instant.  Hang with me for a bit here….

16 As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 18 At once they left their nets and followed him.
19 When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. 20 Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

The eagerness of these men to drop everything and follow Jesus is what I am focusing on here.  There is no skepticism.  There is no delay.

We assume that these men were great men of faith from the first time they met Jesus.  But just like us, they had to grow in their faith.  It took time for Jesus’ call and message to get through to His disciples.  But… they followed Him.  Are you struggling with who to listen to?

I will share with you that during these past couple of months I have been discouraged, but the one thing that has kept my focus was remembering Jesus and to not take my eyes off Him.  It has been a storm for sure for me and I have not known if I would be on a hill or in a valley each day I woke up.   I remember sitting on the couch watching Palm Sunday service on television and crying when we say, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”  It was a pivotal point for me.  It became more and more difficult to follow the narrative from the masses.  I have had numerous discussions with close friends and godly people.  I have prayed countless hours and focused on specific verses. 

I landed here at Mark 1 with a sense of urgency to decide – follow Jesus or not!  His love or ……   my fear, my need to know the answer, my desire to plan, my children’s future, my future – fill in the blank. 

Ladies, this is a personal relationship as they have always told us.  Jesus has the authority over my life, and I trust Him.  Even demons know who He is!  And if I am willing, He will always cleanse me of my sin. (Mark 1:40-41)   He will teach us to fish for men. 

Something happened during these past couple of months; people have been popping up in my life and are supporting me.  Much like fishing, or at least how I fish, when I cast my pole; I never know if it will be a large fish or a small one.  At times it is just a weed. But these people are not at all who I expected, because the people I expected, have turned away.  There are people who will keep coming to hear about Jesus (v. 45) as a result of your testimony.   Expect in Jesus alone and He will lead you through these days.

Are you ready to go where Jesus leads?
