
Monday, November 4, 2019

Suffering and Grief {Psalm 147}

I am the queen of expectations and disappointments.  Not my proudest achievement.  Sadly, it is true.  My lifetime was built on having expectations that my way, my thoughts, my plans, were good and right.  But it led me down paths of some major disappointment and disillusion, and a lot of suffering and grief.

I will share as I reflected of some of my more serious times of grief.  Like when my first husband died and the people I had expectations of, didn’t show up.  Others were right there to hold me up and get me through the roughest days.

I spent unnecessary hours – years really, stuck in an angry mode.  Angry that God would not give me what I needed.  I’d pray something like this, “God, this is what I need!”  It was usually that I wanted a certain person to react or do something the way I wanted it.  Something like show up and help me clean my house.  After all I was home alone with three children ages 8 and under.  I remember being outside shoveling after a heavy snowstorm and literally crying out to God, “Don’t you see me here all alone?”  I still had to get these three children ready for school, give them breakfast, and I still had to get myself ready for work.

Over and over, year after year, my pride to get what I wanted just was not happening.  Even though what I wanted seemed to align with God, it wasn’t happening.

 Image result for but god

But God, has provided me with a reflective heart and mind and sat me down in my favorite restful place to write this post.  He showed me what places He has healed and how He has healed me!  How He has sprinkled some amazing ointment to heal my broken heart.  How many blessings He has given me and how when I truly rest in Him, my heart opens up wide and He fills it up.

I can’t help but see His grace – His perfect, obedient gift, to be broken far more than I ever will be.  How when I truly allow these moments to unfold, the veil is removed so that I can see – through these tears – that His love is amazing!  He sees my pain.  He sees my broken heart and He binds those wounds.

And so, it is “good to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!” (v. 1).

 Image result for psalm 147:3