
Monday, November 11, 2019

Adoration {Joshua 22}

Image result for Joshua 22:5

According to my internet search, Adoration is a sign of devotion to and worship of Jesus Christ.  It’s a deep love and respect; worship, veneration.  It’s the highest type of worship.

The book of Joshua is about the history of Israel’s conquest of the promised land.  I really like this book because it wraps up what so many of us face in life.  It’s a story that reminds me of the game follow the leader.  In that game you mimic the antics of the person in front of you in the line.  Being a follower was alright, but being the leader was the most fun.  However, in real life, great leaders are rare, often men or women are elected or appointed to leadership positions but then falter or fail to act.  Others abuse their power to satisfy their egos, crushing their followers and squandering resources.  But without faithful, ethical and effective leaders, people wander.

What I love about this book is Joshua’s obedience.  His key to success was his submission to God, when God spoke, Joshua listened and obeyed.  Joshua’s obedience served as a model, as a result, Israel remained faithful to God throughout Joshua’s lifetime.

This life is a journey and we are, as Christians, wanting to reach our eternal destination.  I personally have held onto the promises in Jeremiah 29:11 and John 14:3.

Image result for jeremiah 29:11

Image result for John 14:3

What does it take to reach our promised land?  Joshua reminds us in chapter 22, verse 5. 

“But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you; to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

There will be times we have to surrender.  Times of hardship.  However we need to be disciplined and that takes sacrifice and commitment.  We must remember to seek God and confess and repent of our sins.  And as we celebrate our faith, we remember to adore the Lord for that is the greatest command.

On a side note, I had an amazing encounter with the Lord while reading the book of Joshua to prepare for this post.  Our journey through these topics has taken me to places I hadn’t been.  In order to prepare for these posts, I begin reading my chosen scripture much earlier than the week we are posting it.  And sometimes another writer will post something that strikes very deep and leads me to my knees.  Personally, our topical study has been an experience I truly never expected and I was questioning if I was doing things “right”.  Then last Sunday, Sue posted this, “And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left. - Isaiah 30:21  For me, it was the answer I needed.  Yes, you are walking in the “right” direction.  Keep on doing what you are doing.

Image result for Joshua 22:5