
Monday, October 14, 2019

Seeking God {Mark 6}

 Image result for Mark 6:31

Once we realize that God desires our whole hearts, we will seek Him in all areas of our lives.  We will find Him in each and every quiet moment.  When you’ve had a wonderful experience, seek God – spend a moment thanking Him.  When you’re stressed about a circumstance, find a quiet place to let Him know you need Him to help you through it.

The feeding of the 5,000 was to show the disciples that with Jesus the impossible will happen.  There was no way all of these people could find food on their own.  There was no way the disciples could find enough food for these people.  But when you offer what you do have to the Lord, He will bless it and turn it into and abundance.

It may seem like the impossible situation you are in will not turn out well.  But what do you have?  These 2 fish and 5 loaves were described as sardines and crackers – more like a light snack.  Just imagine – all these people were satisfied!  Satisfied with what they were given – with leftovers!

Do you have hope?  Offer it to the Lord.  Do you have too many bills?  Offer your time and the money you make to the Lord and He will show you how you will pay for your bills.  Do you have too many projects and not enough time to do them?  God will show you how to get them done and how blessed you truly are.

Doing God’s work is very important, but to do it effectively we need periodic rest and renewal with Jesus. 

Just like in today’s readings, there are so many people who are like a flock of sheep without a shepherd.  Last weekend I had an opportunity to go and listen to Sr. Ângela de Fátima Coelho.  One of the first things she asked was to imagine the world without bibles.  She said we may be the only bible some people see.  Those of us who make Jesus a priority in our lives, will be the only image some people will get of a bible. 

The more time we take to seek a quiet place to find rest with the Lord, the more we become like Him.  What seems like the impossible will never look quite the same.

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