
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Scripture Saturday ~ Proverbs 12:1 ~ Self-discipline ~ Set your alarm!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Welcome to Scripture Saturday!

This coming week's memory verse is Proverbs 12:1...

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid. (NIV)

When an athlete is training for a marathon she stretches. She runs. She uses weights to make her stronger. She corrects some bad habits she may have. She disciplines herself to be the best that she can be. Why does she do this? For the freedom and the reward it brings. She is free to meet the marathon, the test, head on no whatever difficulty may come. And at the end she will be rewarded. She will know in her heart that she did her best in preparing and facing her challenge.

Worshiping God is really not any different. We read, we study, we meditate, reflect and observe ourselves. It can mean that we will be sore, uncomfortable, asked to give up some bad habits. Develop a love for that. Crave discipline in your life knowing that the reward so outweighs all the rest.

Set your alarm for six tomorrow morning. When it beeps spend six minutes worshiping God. Focus. Sing. Pray. Listen to Him. But keep your full attention and affection on Him. Allow this to be a habit every morning! (iWorship)