
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Scripture Saturday ~ 1 Kings 8:22,23~ Surrender ~ Let God Take Over

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Welcome to Scripture Saturday!

This coming week's memory verse is 1 Kings 8:22,23...

Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in front of the whole assembly of Israel, spread out his hands toward heaven and said:  “Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven above or on earth below—You who keep your covenant of love with Your servants who continue wholeheartedly in Your way. (NIV)

Surrender is a battle term. It implies giving up all rights to the conqueror. When an opposing army surrenders, they lay down their arms, and the winners take control from then on. Surrendering to God works the same way. When we are losing the battle, we can surrender and let God take control.  

These verses in 1 King are a picture of surrendering. Solomon was surrendering all of Israel to God. He knew that he could not lead Israel as king without Him. He reached out his arms and hands to the One that he knew was sovereign, the One that loves us, cares for us, knows us, and can carry all of our burdens.

We can do what Solomon did. We can surrender. When we are losing the battle, overwhelmed by our days’ burdens we can open our hands towards heaven. We can reach out to the One that can carry all our concerns. We can place ourselves and our burdens in His care.  There is nothing that He cannot handle. He is all we need!