
Monday, October 7, 2019

Common to man temptation {1 Corinthians 10}

Two years ago I began praying for discipline.  I was stuck in a rut of some very unhealthy choices.  Between my physical health, mental health and spiritual health, I wasn’t sure which one I was most concerned about.

After a couple of encounters with some very close people, I lost 20+ pounds.  But I didn’t “feel” any different.  I was still praying for discipline.  All these “common to man” sins were still occurring in my life. 

Fast forward to April of this year.  Suddenly, I began walking every day, multiple times a day.  I was logging the miles and the food I ate.  And people noticed.  People were asking me what made me decide to do this.  By the end of July this year, I had lost 50 pounds total from two years ago!  My answer to these people asking why and how I lost the weight was, I prayed for discipline and this happened.  I seriously did not know why I kept going out on my lunch hour to walk and was aware of my eating habits.

In August of this year, I began preparing to write for this study.  Topics like commitment, sacrifice, confession and repentance made me realize the discipline I truly needed.  I needed to learn to confess things like, “I ate something I didn’t need; or I bought something I should not have spent money on; or I should not have judged her like I just did; or these thoughts are not Christ-like” 

I eventually realized that I lacked discipline in repentance of all of these “common to man” little sins.  The discipline of realizing all the grumbling I was doing inside my head was destroying my heart – the place where Jesus wanted to reside.  And I wanted Him there, but I had allowed all these common sins to move in a make my heart filthy. 

Many of us go throughout our day and these very common sins occur and we do not realize the dangerous situation we have gotten ourselves into.  These are dangerous temptations because they are aimed at where we are weakest and our fallen selfishness.  This is why Satan concentrates most of his efforts on them.  They encourage us to nurture a fantasy that the world we perceive is our world.  And in this fantasy world, we ought to possess what we desire and things ought to go our way.

 Image result for 1 corinthians 10 13

I found the following from

This passage has five hope-giving truths you must embrace in the midst of your storm.
1. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.
You are not alone. You’re not the first person to go through what you’re experiencing. Whether you’ve lost a loved one, your job, your marriage, or your battle against sin, there are millions of people around the world and throughout history who have experienced essentially the same thing. This should give you an incredible amount of hope.

You’re probably thinking, What hope is there in that? The answer is simply this: common problems have common solutions. Your situation has details unique to you, but at its core it is just like what many other people experience. Scripture was written to people who were in many ways like us. They experienced pain and death; they had bad marriages and problems in church; they struggled with the same kinds of sin we do. Therefore, the solutions God gave them apply to us as well. Whatever your struggle is, the solution is in the Bible.

2. God is faithful.

No true Christian would deny God’s faithfulness. But maybe you’ve been tempted to wonder if He’ll be faithful to you. Make no mistake, “if we are faithless He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). God’s very character is at stake, and God will never be found lacking.

God’s faithfulness always overcomes sin and persecution. God promised His faithfulness to Israel, even after they’d committed unspeakable acts of idolatry (Ezekiel 16:59-63). God was faithful to David even after he sinned with Bathsheba. God was faithful to Peter even after he denied Jesus three times. God was faithful to Daniel in the lion’s den and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. Sin and impossible circumstances are no match for God’s faithfulness.

3. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you’re able.
Whatever you’re facing right now, God’s grace is sufficient for you (2 Corinthians 12:9). It may not feel like it’s possible, but on the basis of God’s character and by His strength you can overcome your trial. Maybe you’ve observed others going through difficult times and thought to yourself, I could never go through that. The truth is if God placed it into your life, He would give you the grace to go through it. Whatever you’re experiencing now, God gives you the grace to endure it.

4. With the temptation He will also provide a way of escape.

God has provided, in every situation, a path for you to take. There is always a choice of roads to travel. When faced with the temptation to sin, you can choose to succumb or you can choose to resist and flee. When you are confronted with a difficult ordeal, you can succumb to despair and anxiety or you can endure with the strength He provides. Whatever your situation, God’s Word will light the way of escape and show you the path to follow to get you through the situation and out of enemy territory.

5. You will be able to endure it.

After reminding you your situation is common, God is faithful, and He will strengthen and guide you through difficult times, Paul assures you if you follow God’s path, you can and will endure. If you’re weighed down with the pressures of life, God may not remove the burden, but He will strengthen your legs to endure.

Think about it. The Bible isn’t only for people with simple problems—getting cut off on the freeway or plumbing issues. The Bible addresses all people and all problems, whether trivial (bad traffic, clogged faucet) or severe (life dominating sins, terminal illness).

The apostles had personally evangelized and taught many of the people to whom they wrote. Reading their letters you quickly realize people and churches had very difficult problems and they needed apostolic instruction. In fact, the Hebrew Scriptures were for New Testament believers what the entire Bible is to us—“Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come” (1 Corinthians 10:11).

So when you read 1 Corinthians 10:13, know for certain that no matter the depth of your temptation or trial, the Lord is faithful, He has provided your way of escape, and you can endure it.

I didn’t realize when we began our respite from writing that the task I was given to select the topics to write about would be the best thing for me!  God aligned the break and my test to be disciplined and walk and watch what I was eating and buying, and then return to our study.  God showed me that my heart was really breaking His.  Every Sunday I would ask Him to show me what was breaking His heart.  And now I am here to share and plead with you all to truly take note of your mind and thoughts and some of your little habits.  Ask the Lord to reveal the sin you are committing.  Because if you are like me, you may have a heart condition that no one can see and so even those closest to you won’t realize it.  God is faithful.  When our hearts align with God’s will, you will experience the most incredible freedom. 

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