
Saturday, September 28, 2019

Scripture Saturday ~ Matthew 4:17 ~ Repentance ~ Turning

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Welcome to Scripture Saturday!

This coming week's memory verse is Matthew 4:17...

From then on, Jesus began to preach, “Turn from your sins and turn to God, because the Kingdom of Heaven is near…” (NLT)

Repentance can be defined as "a repenting or being penitent; feeling of sorrow, especially for wrongdoing; compunction; contrition; remorse." Repentance is also known as a change of mind, turning away, a return to God, a turning away from sin.

Repenting, turning away from sin and returning to God, is not just a “once-in while” turning but it is a “throughout our lifetime” turning. It is always right to turn away from our self-seeking ways and turn to Him.

“Clement, an early church father, put it this way, ‘We must repent of our fleshly, evil deeds while we have the chance to repent with our whole heart, so that the Lord can save us.’  As long as we are on this earth, we need to practice repentance. Daily. Hourly. By the minute if necessary. When we fail to keep short accounts with the Lord, it takes a toll…worship becomes more difficult and less meaningful.” 

Practice today. Write down the sins of the day or days and confess, and accept God’s forgiveness. As you do this, cross them off your list. Keep a short account with God everyday! (iWorship)