
Friday, June 21, 2019

How Bad Do You Want It?

Are you familiar with the story in Genesis 32 where Jacob wrestles with God? Jacob, who twenty years earlier had fled to the land of Paddan-aram to escape the fury of his twin brother Esau whose birthright he had stolen, was now headed back to his home of Canaan with his wives, children, servants, and livestock.

He sends a messenger ahead to inform Esau of his coming, and much to his dismay Jacob learns that his brother is on his way with four hundred men by his side! Afraid this could only mean destruction, Jacob divides everyone and everything into two camps with the hopes that if one is destroyed the other will be spared. And after praying to God for deliverance, Jacob sends his entire company ahead in groups one after the other, until finally he is the only one left. 

Scared and alone, Jacob is approached by a strange man who mysteriously shows up and wrestles with him until daybreak. But this is no mere man. It is God Himself. And after deciding the match has gone on long enough, God dislocates Jacob’s hip with a touch of His hand and demands to be let go. But instead of releasing the Lord Jacob cries out, “I will not let you go until you bless me.” (Gen. 32:26) 

Jacob wanted that blessing from God and nothing would stop him until he got it. No amount of pain, fatigue, or fear was going to keep him from prevailing! So how about you? Is there a blessing that you want from God? Are you willing to be a warrior like Jacob to get it? Will you go to the mat with God wrestling in the dirt, fighting through the pain, enduring the exhaustion, and never letting go unless He blesses you? God rewarded Jacob’s dedication with that blessing he battled so hard for, and promises the same to us. All we have to do is ask ourselves, “How bad do you want it? “