
Monday, May 6, 2019

Sing Loud, Sing Proud {Colossians 3}

Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.”.....Martin Luther

It doesn’t get much better than driving in your car, the sun shining, windows down, and your favorite song blaring on the radio. Whether it be from the lyrics, the beat, or the melody, music has the amazing ability to bring forth a variety of physical responses. The perfect sad song can console a broken heart, whereas a love song can put into words all the feelings romance can bring. An anthem can inspire action, a sports chant unify, and an old familiar children’s song educate. Music is one of God’s most beautiful gifts, and I couldn’t imagine life without it. But meant for more than just entertainment, music is an important part of the Christian walk of faith.

In Colossians 3 the Apostle Paul gives us guidelines and characteristics we should practice as followers of Jesus. And music is included in his list of instructions. “Let the Word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (vs. 16) Knowing the capacity music has to change both hearts and lives, here Paul tells us to use the songs we sing to both teach the Word of God, and to gently advise those who may need correcting. And we should do so with hearts of thanksgiving and with the goals of helping each other in our walk of faith, and most of all to glorify God.

The greatest purpose music can serve is when we use it as God intended, as a means to worship Him. When the music we play and the songs we sing declare our devotion, thankfulness, and appreciation, we show both God, and world around us, that we have hearts abounding in love for the Lord. “While the word of Christ enables us to worship God in truth, singing allows us to worship Him in spirit. While to worship rightly we must know God as revealed in His Word of truth, if that truth doesn’t move our hearts, something is wrong.Singing is one way to express our love for God and gratitude for what He’s done for us in Christ. It’s no accident that the longest book in the Bible is a song book and God called its main author a man after His heart. Throughout history, whenever the hearts of  God’s people have been right before Him, there has been joyful singing and the writing of new songs of praise”....Steven J. Cole

A minister once said that music is a way to give voice to the overflowing joy and deep adoration we feel in our hearts for God. And again in Ephesians 5:19 Paul instructs us to speak to one another, “in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” When I think of all God has done and continues to do for me each and every day, I can’t help but have a melody in my heart and a song of joy on my lips. And although the voice God gave me may not be able to carry a tune to save my life, I will sing just the same. I will sing loud, I will sing proud, and I will sing a song of God’s greatness!