
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Circumstances vs Perspective (Psalm 73)

Life can seem brutally unfair at times and it can be easy to feel that you draw the short stick. But, as the Psalmist expresses in Chapter 73, we can’t let Satan warp our perspective on living life just because the ungodly seem to have it easier.   
“But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped. For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.” (2-3) 
Just this very week I have felt the sting of unfair circumstances through my daughter’s struggles.  My daughter has been raised to treat others with kindness and genuine concern. But, sadly, that is not reciprocated in the judgmental environment of high school. She injured her ankle and has been using crutches at school. One would think that others would be empathetic and helpful to her but the opposite has occurred. She has been made fun of and when she has needed help, she has been ignored and abandoned. The crutches have been painful to use for her as well and I have had the hard task of saying “no” to her pleas to stay home. And I’ve caught myself complaining to God about the unfairness of it all. If she were at the top of the social pecking order, I know that she would have had an easier time. Let’s face it, there are those who seem to get the easy road in life even though they are cruel and selfish and do not have concern for others. I have had the difficult task of trying to support her to get through this without becoming bitter or overly discouraged. My solution: Lots of prayer and seeking God’s counsel to have the right perspective on life.  
The Psalmist was also perplexed by the seeming unfairness he saw in the easier circumstances of the ungodly. He also turned to the counsel of God for proper perspective. “But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task, until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end.” (16-17) 
It may seem that those who are selfish, unkind, and privileged with the favour of wealth or status are at the top of the leader board in this life. But, is that really something to be envious of? Step back and see the bigger picture through God’s eternal perspective. It doesn’t matter how much they possess in this life because eternally they are bankrupt. It doesn’t matter how many people support them with ease and comfort and companionship in this life because at the end of their days they enter eternity alone. We, on the other hand, have all the riches, support, comfort and love of God Almighty. When we come to the end of our days, we enter eternity to be with the multitudes of those who worship Him. There is nothing and no one in this life to envy. We will one day have no needs, no trials, no sufferings.  
And, even now, as we navigate the unfair circumstances of life we have the help and acceptance of our loving Father who never forsakes us.  What more do we really need? 
“Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.” (23-25) 
This life is challenging. We may suffer injustices, financial hardships, loss of loved ones, loneliness, heartache, etc. We may also have to endure illness and the loss of youthful vigour and strength. But, no matter what we experience or how unfair our circumstances may seem, we can keep a healthy, positive perspective on life knowing that God empowers us with His resources and unfailing love.  
“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (26) 

I would rather have God and all He gives to me than any thing or circumstance the seemingly privileged possess who do not have God. Truly, there is no comparison we should be concerned with in this life other than this one: 
Do we have an eternal standing with God? If so, we are the most privileged of all!!