
Friday, April 12, 2019

Only through Jesus (Isaiah 9:1-7)

When Isaiah spoke the promise found in verses 1 and 2, the northern regions around the Sea of Galilee were most severely ravaged when the Assyrians invaded from the north. The promise is that this land, once seemingly lightly esteemed by the LORD, will one day have a special blessing. (Matt 4:13-16) The ministry of the Messiah would bring joy and gladness to Israel.
Then the following promises found in 9:3-5 – reference to great joy, the breaking of the yoke of his burden and the rod of his oppressor, and the complete victory over all their enemies. Something they had longed for! We have been there, too! But through our surrender to Jesus, he will bring this to pass in our lives. These things are ours in Jesus, too!

In verse 6 we find the amazing promise of Jesus’ birth and the Names which describe the aspects of His character: they describe who He is and what He has come to do. These names are associated with God. They belong to God alone!
 :“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; -dedicated, granted, given in exchange for or to pay a wage- (*)

The Son had to be given.
What glorious truth! We needed a perfect, infinite Being to offer a perfect, infinite atonement for our sins. We needed Immanuel, God is with us (Isaiah 7:14). This glorious prophecy of the birth of Messiah reminds Israel that the victory-bringing Messiah would be a man

and the government dominion shall be up on His shoulder and His name, reputation, fame and glory shall be called, recited, cried out, and proclaimed to be (*)

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (9:6)

 Wonderful, Counselor indicates that Jesus will be a supernatural source of extraordinary wisdom. “He defends God’s people with perfect integrity and grace” (iWorship Bible).
Later on in Isaiah, we’re told that the Lord God has done “wonderful things” (Isaiah 25:1) and that he is “wonderful in counsel” (Isaiah 28:29

These are great news for those who feel lost and are suffering because of all the bad decisions they have made in life, and realize they are in need of guidance and wisdom.  Have you ever been there? I have!!

Christ is the Counselor whom I desire to consult every hour, and I would that I could sit in his secret chamber all day and all night long, because to counsel with him is to have sweet counsel, hearty counsel, and wise counsel, all at the same time.” (Spurgeon)

“Mighty God indicates that Jesus will be divinely strong and powerful — In Him we find strength. “… the One who is capable of achieveing the seemingly impossible.” (iWorship Bible) The same title is used of God himself (Isaiah 10:21).

Everlasting Father indicates that Jesus will care for his people forever, as a father cares for his children. God is called the Father of his people throughout the Bible (Isaiah 63:16), and only God himself can truly be called the Everlasting Father.
These are amazing news for those of us that did not grow under the care and protection of a father:  we are never to feel alone and unappreciated! We now have a beloved  “Abba Father” (Ro. 8:15) to freely run to!

 “Prince of Peace indicates that Jesus will bring deep well-being and right relationships. “He is the One who reconciles us to God; he is the giver of peace in our hearts and ultimately, when his kingdom is established, of peace among the nations” (iWorship Bible)
—  Prince, ruler, leader, chief of Peace, wholeness, completeness, soundness, welfare, quiet, tranquility, contentment, complete health· (*Sylvia Gunter)

“When we are inwardly tossed by various tempests, and when Satan attempts to disturb our consciences, let us remember that Christ is The Prince of Peace, and that it is easy for him quickly to allay all our uneasy feelings. Thus will these titles confirm us more and more in the faith of Christ, and fortify us against Satan and against hell itself.” (Calvin)

Isaiah was right! God did deliver these promises to His people. Jesus was born seven hundred years later and ONLY through Him, God fulfilled every promise announced. God came among us in the person of Jesus. He took on flesh (Phil 2:5-11) in order to give us wisdom, protection, fatherly care, and peace as we enter into relationship with him!  ALL of these promises to us fallen people, but ALL because of His Favor and Mercy, extended to us who can do nothing to be worthy of them. It is God’s amazing Gift.! (Romans 3:23-26)


Mari  Your Great Name (Amy grant)