
Friday, April 5, 2019

God's Help for Protection from the Wicked! {Psalm 140}

Friday April 5th-Psalm 140

Life is a struggle and the battle is real!  Have you been in a battle or are you in one now?  Let's see what His word has to say about battles and how He helps us through them.

Image result for psalm 140

For our struggle is not against  flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Eph. 6:12

First we must realize that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the evil one.
 I Peter 5:8-9
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.   But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.

We are not alone in our struggles and we resist him by being firm in our FAITH!  

Let's dig in and see what Psalm 140 has to say about all this.

First of all the psalmist is crying out to the Lord to be rescued.  He knows where to go, straight to the One Who fights the battle for us.  He has put his faith and trust in Him.  He knows where his strength comes from and who covers his head in the day of battle.

I said to the Lord, “You are my God;
Give ear, O Lord, to the voice of my supplications.
“O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation,
You have covered my head in the day of battle.
“Do not grant, O Lord, the desires of the wicked;
Do not promote his evil device, that they not be exalted. Psalm 140:6-8

These are some of the evil devices that satan uses:

devising evil things in their hearts
continually stirring up wars
sharpening their tongues as a serpent
poison under their lips
purposing to trip up their feet
setting traps and snares along their path

A few years ago I went through a very difficult time with a friend who was mourning the loss of a loved one and the bitterness of a loved one over that loss.  It was a very real struggle that my friend could not fight on her own.  The Lord brought me to Psalm 140 and at first I thought can we pray those things against someone we love?  But the Lord showed me we would be praying against the evil one who uses people to carry out his work and not against that person.  We also prayed much for them during this time.  
So we went to psalm 140 together in prayer.  It seemed like she would get through one thing and bang another scheme of the evil one was upon her.  

As for the head of those who surround me,
May the mischief of their lips cover them.
“May burning coals fall upon them;
May they be cast into the fire,
Into deep pits from which they cannot rise. Psalm 140:9-10

We saw all the schemes and devices mentioned above dissolve.  The Lord protected my friend!  

I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted
And justice for the poor.
Surely the righteous will give thanks to Your name;
The upright will dwell in Your presence.  Psalm 140:12-13

It was a very difficult time that was not over quickly but I can say that the Lord maintained her cause and she praises Him for bringing her through this difficult time. 

Are you in a difficult time?  Pray through Psalm 140 and see what He will do!