
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Are You Ready for Christ's Return? {2 Timothy 3 & 4}

A while ago, I started wondering if Christ would recognize me.  But how will Christ recognize me when He returns?  I could see godliness, but I just didn’t see God’s power.  That was until I learned more and more about the presence and power of Jesus in my life.  Prayer and praise has become vital.  But more, it’s in seeking wisdom and understanding each and every time I open God’s Word.

Paul’s teachings are always so thorough and here in 2 Timothy 3 & 4, he teaches us what we should look like and act like for Christ to recognize us. 

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We can hide our sin for a while, but eventually the truth will be revealed.  Sooner or later, distraction, opposition, anger or fatigue will wear us down, and our true hearts will be exposed.  The trials of life will conspire against our efforts to maintain a religious front.  We can’t pick when and where we will be tested by adversity.  We need to build character carefully because it will come out under stress.  Live each day as if your actions will one day be known to everyone.  It is useless, in the middle of a test, to acknowledge that you should have prepared.  Now is the time to change anything you wouldn’t want revealed later.

Paul teaches us that we have to be willing at any moment to share our faith (4:1-2).  Satan is always looking for an opportunity to enter us.  We couldn’t want to have sin enter us like Judas, with a kiss, or like Joab, with his hand extended in friendship and his tongue uttering flattering words.  Instead, don’t allow fear (sin) to push you to shy away from speaking the truth.  Just as Paul reminds us of all the torture he endured for speaking the truth, we have to have the Passion of Christ in us to be truthful and not allow sin to enter us.
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Paul warns us to not mix with people dominated by sin (3:2-5).  This helps us to understand that the potential to commit these sins is right in our churches.  Why?  It exists in our churches because we have all come out of the world where these things are nurtured, and none of us have overcome all these characteristics yet!  In other words, despite our conversion, we are still capable of expressing these sins and we must be on guard. 

“Love of self is the basic sin, from which all others flow.  The moment a man makes his own will the center of life, divine and human relationships are destroyed, obedience to God and charity to men both become impossible.  The essence of Christianity is not the enthronement but the obliteration of self.”  ~~William Barclay

God’s Word has changed me thoroughly.  God, not man, is in charge of this world.  God puts in the hands of Christians spiritual weapons which influence the times in which we live.

Scripture guides us right now in the times of despair, of pressure, of stress.  The first thing Paul would do would be to give himself to proclaiming the mighty revelation of God, to help people see that God is in charge of life.

If Jesus were to come at this very moment, while you are eating lunch with your friends, or while you are grocery shopping, or while you are at work, or while you are relaxing at home on the couch, would your conversation and your conduct resemble what you study and pray about each morning?  Because when you are confronted with routine, or danger, stress or persecution, will you behave yourself?  Just look at Paul – he practiced what he preached.  By returning to God’s Word, Paul was able to control his temper, subdue his lusts, master his passions, conquer his fears, and forgive his enemies.  He did what God told him to do.  He worked with his hands to support himself.  He prayed for his friends.  He kept himself growing and walking in the Spirit because he knew that was the greatest thing he could do to counteract the fear, the depression and danger of the times in which he lives.

“God knows your needs.  He desires to bring you closer to Himself and He will do so as long as you keep striving and stumbling towards Him.”  ~~ Dan Burke

Everything Paul did was done with the understanding that it would either please the Lord Jesus or it would result in grief of the heart to him (2 Corinthians 5:9).  We should be asking ourselves – “Is what I’m saying, what I’m doing, what I’m thinking, pleasing my Lord?  Does it reflect His beauty, His character, His loveliness?”

We can be our own worst enemy, especially when it comes to patience.  Sometimes it is so difficult to be patient with people.  Sometimes we say, “Don’t bug me.  Don’t push me.  Let me have some time to work this out.  Get off my back – give me some breathing room.”  Other people feel the same way.  If you want others to be patient, then you have to be patient with them.

Above all, the one word that should describe all Christians is love.  Love means acceptance of everyone as being valuable.  You should not regard anyone with contempt or disdain.  You should not put anyone down.  You must understand that though people may be struggling, though they may be difficult – they ARE valuable!  God loves them.  God has made them in His own image.  Christian love shows what great possibilities others may have if given the right attention. 

And finally, we must be steadfast.  That means endurance, not quitting when the pressure gets rough, hanging in there, not merely in a grin-and-bear-it attitude, but rather a confidence that God is working things out.

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Have you ever wondered about the phrase “and it came to pass” (2 Chronicles 20:1)?  You can read more here, but this phrase occurs in the Old Testament many times.  Nothing lasts very long.  Each period of life comes to pass – childhood, adulthood.  But every day passes and so do opportunities.  The Lord is always with us.  He works all the events of our lives, so we cannot go about our days never proclaiming the Person we know who’s in charge.  We need to teach the truth – spread it around.  Let people know what’s right and real.  Share what you know about the Book you hold in your hand.  Live righteously.  Practice what you preach.  Expect trouble – because you will get it.  We don’t become Christian and live in a bubble, protected by some creed.  Swim upstream – against the crowd.  You will be unpopular, but don’t let that stop you from saying it and living it!  That’s how Jesus will recognize you when He comes again.

God knows things are going to get worse – He planned it that way.  But He has planted among the decaying, corrupting, morally imperfect civilization, women like you and me who are given the privilege of standing for the truth!

Let this be a reminder as we take a brief break from writing this summer.  God is not on vacation.  He is still writing the story of our lives!  I pray that you will all open your Bibles each day and be filled with new wisdom and understanding.  May your eyes continue to be opened to the truth of God.