
Friday, March 22, 2019

The Goodness of The Lord in The Land of The Living {Psalm 27}

Friday March 22nd-Psalm 27
                                                   Image result for Psalm 27:13

Can we see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living?  I believe that we can.  We can believe and trust that He is who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do.

All around us today, no matter where you go there is much violence.  The evil one is hard at work to destroy!  He only comes to kill, steal and destroy.  You cannot even watch the news or read the paper without some violent act going on.  It may be right in your neighborhood.  I believe as God's children we do not have to live in fear or dread of what is going on around us.

We can be confident no matter what our circumstances are because:

He is our light and salvation-Ps. 18:28
He is the defense of our lives-Ps. 28:8
He will conceal us-Ps. 31:20
He will hide us-Ps. 17:7-8
He will lift our head above our enemies-Ps. 3:3
He hears our cries-Ps. 61:1-3
He is gracious to us and answers us-Ps.61:1
He does not abandon us or forsake us-Ps. 94:14
He will teach us the way-Ps. 25:4-5
He leads us in a level path-Ps. 5:8
He does not deliver us over to our adversaries-Ps. 41:2

Image result for Psalm 27:14

Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord.
Wait- what exactly does that mean, to wait for something?
What should we be doing while we wait?

Wait-the hebrew word qavah- means to bind together[twisting], collect [figurative], expect [gather, loo, patiently, wait for, on , upon.
A verb meaning to wait for, to look for, to hope for.  The word is used to signify depending on and ordering activities around a future event.

Psalm 130:5
Is. 25:9
Psalm 84:5
Prov. 3:5-8

I have been waiting for a relationship to be restored in my family.  It has been many years of waiting. As I am waiting I am actively praying for them and strengthening myself in the Lord, through spending time in His Word each day, memorizing and meditating.  There are days when I just want to do something [that would be in my own strength], but I run to Him and pour out my heart to Him and sometimes weep deeply.
 If you are in a waiting situation, DO NOT GIVE UP!   I prayed for my MIL for over 30 years and wanted to give up so many times.  A few weeks before she passed away, she accepted Jesus and I have to tell you it was the most beautiful time with her.

Image result for Psalm 62:5-8