
Thursday, March 28, 2019

God’s Merciful Rest (Hebrews 4)

Since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, life has been full of struggles and toil. Life requires that we carry many burdens, face many challenges and it certainly will weary our sin laden souls. But, God did not leave us to this fate. In His mercy, he extended us grace and offered us rest for our weary souls. He offered us an eternal hope for a life reunited with Him and full of amazing promise and hope. 

I remember vividly looking at a witnessing tract when I was a child called “One Way”. It had few words, mostly pictures. It started with a mass of people moving forward, stained with sin, headed to hell. But, there were signs pointing to a side corridor that said "God’s free gift” and “Love Gift Inside”. Three young people entered and saw the story of the gospel depicted on the walls. One of the young people, rejected the love offered in that story and left to rejoin the mass of people without God. Two of the young people, however accepted the gift with sincerity of heart. They went up a flight of stairs and were greeted by God the Father, Jesus and HolySpirit. They ran into their outstretched arms. It was such a joyous celebratory moment and it always comforted me. Of course, I felt sorry for the young boy who had walked away.  

Hebrews 4 reminds me of that simple story. God offers to the tired, weary, burdened society His free gift of love through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ. He wants us to believe and accept His salvation. He wants to give us rest. But, sadly, many choose to reject what He so lovingly offers and must be judged accordingly.  
For those of us, however, who recognize our need for Christ, we are gifted with a very personable, unique, intimate relationship with Jesus. He knows each person He breathes life into and the same gift of salvation is always freely offered.  He knows every sinful thing about us, and yet He offers us comfort, deliverance from sin, and most importantly, He offers us rest. What incredible Grace and Mercy! He is always knowledgeable of what is going on in our lives and yet He is empathetic and willing to intercede on our behalf.  For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.” (v15)  Because of who He is and what He has done, we can know Him intimately and be encouraged to seek Him without fear of rejection.  
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (v16) 
"Thou lovest me, in spite of all my failure, 
Thou knowest all my weakness and my sin; 
But Thou did'st die on Calv'ry to redeem me, 
To cleanse and make me white as snow within. 
Thine is a love, unsearchable, eternal, 
And many waters cannot quench Thy love; 
Such love as Thou dost bear the guilty sinner, 
Caused Thee to leave Thy glorious throne above. 
Thou lovest me, a wretched, failing creature, 
Unworthy, but Thy worthiness I claim; 
Thy robe of righteousness is my salvation, 
I pin my faith on Thy most precious Name. 
Thou lovest me before the world's foundation, 
"Chosen in Him" before the moon and sun, 
Eternal love has marked out all my pathway, 
And will direct 'till life on earth is done. 
Thou lovest me, and Thou art interceding, 
And ever working all things for my good, 
O help me Lord, to rest upon Thy promise, 
Rejoicing in Thy ways, not understood. 
Thou lovest me, Ah! marvel of all ages, 
Such wondrous love! we'll never understand; 
But we can thankfully with joy receive it, 
Enjoying blessings from Thy blessed hand. 
O may we rest upon Thy love more fully! 
And trust Thee for the needs of every day, 
Assured Thy goodness, and Thy lovingkindness, 
With mercies will surround my path alway. 
  —Lois Beckwit