
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

God's Goodness {Psalm 119:65:72}

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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Have you ever known someone who said they were angry at God?  Perhaps you’ve been angry at God due to a circumstance you were or are in.

I have been there.  It’s not something I’d like to admit, but I have asked God why He would allow certain situations to happen.  One I remember was when my husband was in the hospital and I was about 7 months pregnant and our driveway needed to be shoveled due to an overnight snowfall.  I was spitting and sputtering out there asking why I had to do this all alone.  Shortly thereafter while attending church, the sermon was about asking God for help and I learned that I needed to be specific in my prayer requests.  I couldn’t spit and sputter about God knowing my circumstances and not doing anything to help me.  I needed to change how I prayed.

I found this recent post since 20 years ago our church didn’t record sermons, this nearly matches what I heard back then.

Learning how to pray properly helped me to learn about God’s goodness.  For me, the more time I spend reading scripture and praying according to God’s will, the more I have discovered just how good God is.  And….  I spend much less time spitting and sputtering.

 Image result for psalm 34:9

Wandering with Jesus,