
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

God's Faithfulness {Jeremiah 29}

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Image result for jeremiah 29:13-14

So many people look at Jeremiah 29:11 as a demand for blessings from God.  But if we are honest with each other, you and I are unfaithful to Him.  Despite our unfaithfulness to Him – He is still faithful to us.  God is always at work in our lives.

Have you ever wondered why you have returned to a similar struggle?

·       Weight loss
·       Food & beverage choices
·       Financial decisions
·       Work/job environment
·       Marriage/relationship issues
·       Media exposure
·       Health for yourself or others

I have.  There are days I thought ‘whew, that’s over!’ only to be hit with the sudden sting of pain and suffering in the same circumstance.  Suddenly your bank account has dwindled, or someone has come to you with their frightening story of a lifestyle choice, or you’ve stepped on the scale and it’s much higher than you expected.  Or perhaps you keep waking up with some sort of physical pain.  Whatever the circumstance, God has brought you to it.

I can’t help but think of Daniel being thrown into the lion’s den.  Oh my – how frightening!  But he believed God was with him at all times, and God saved him from being lunch for the lion. (Daniel 6)

Or how about being thrown into a fiery furnace?  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego believed that God was always with them.  (Daniel 3)

I remember a very difficult circumstance and my response to it.  I’ve shared this before, but it seems appropriate again here.  When my husband fell 40 feet from a tree, I responded with, ‘I trust you Jesus.  I trust you Jesus.’  You know, Andy could have died that day.  He had a broken femur – In 4 places.  One was a compound fracture that punctured through his leg and caused him to lose a lot of blood.  He shattered his wrist and crushed his face.  He also broke his tibia and was unconscious for several minutes.

That’s just one of my own personal examples and I could share so many more.  But what God desires is our total surrender of every part of our lives.  We must rise above our circumstances that attempt to cause us to believe that God does not love or care about what you may be going through.  NOTHING is hopeless with God.

Have you been feeling hopeless, abandoned, depressed, rejected, disappointed by life’s circumstances?  There is hope for today for God’s Word declares that He knows the plans He has for you.
 Image result for jeremiah 29:11

Ladies, regardless of what level of pain or suffering you may be experiencing at this time.  Perhaps it may be self-doing or God allowing it for a reason, there is a plan for your life.  God said it.  He is faithful.

We are reminded of God’s promise that He gave to Israel, which is also available to us too. 

 Image result for jeremiah 29:13-14

That’s the key!  Total surrender of our lives to the Lord.

God does not want our superficial sacrifices and offerings (Hebrews 10:8-10).  God has a plan for your life – there’s purpose in the pain!

This is one of my favorite songs about God’s faithfulness. 

One final thought.  70 years is a lifetime for a lot of people.  Living here on this side of heaven is like living in exile.  We are separated from God’s Kingdom – the Promised Land.  But we are promised to return there!  If only we seek God with our whole heart!

Wandering with Jesus,