
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Refelctions from Roxanna ~ Contentment

Reading ~  2 Corinthians 1:4-11

My mother would start every phone call with, "I am content with Jesus and the life He has given me." Even when things were hard for her. She had osteoporosis and her bones would break easily when Dad would move her to wheelchair.

She had a very sweet spirit that could have an immediate audience with God. When she was in the nursing home people would come to her to ask her to pray for their needs.

I too, am content.

Life has many ups and downs but God has got this always. I lean on His mercy and trust in His faithfulness always. Still, I can’t wait for Him to break open the sky and take us home where we belong...but not my will, yours God. Your timing, The Lord is always faithful.

Their are still many who need to know and love Him. God loves us so much they need to know that He sent His son to die and rise again to wipe our sins away so we can live with Him in paradise. God planned this from the beginning, wanting our Alleluias and our great love and sweet savor to rise to Him and our tears to fill the golden bowl.

I remember when my oldest son was burned by a fire on over 40% of his body. I was crying and praying while Greg was driving fast to get to hospital. Suddenly a sweet, soft voice whispered, "It is going to take awhile."

God whispered and I heard and I knew then my son would live. God made me promise that I would help Chris get his joy back.

I called him today and in our conversation he said he had spent morning fishing with Jesus. He was well in his Soul.

What a great and faithful God we love!
