
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Clothe Yourself with Humility {Colossians 3:12}

Image result for clothe yourself with humility

In these verses Paul is describing what our spiritual clothing should look like.  It’s the fruit of the Spirit we are wearing.  Since this week our topic is humility, I will try to share what humility looks like according to this scripture.

Way back in my late 20’s, my husband wanted to join an organization that sold products which were marketed as superior to other products and you had to buy and use these products and encourage others to join the ranks.  It was expensive and very demanding.  In order to make money, we had to get people to not only buy these products, but get them to join the organization and sell to others.  If you’ve ever heard of a pyramid scheme, this is one.

One weekend, we had to attend a rally.  I was not very happy to leave my 7 month old daughter and give up my weekend to attend this rally.  In fact I shed a lot of tears.  But my husband really wanted to make this business venture work and we were not only told it would allow me to quit my job and be a stay-at-home working mother, but it was a requirement for our new business.

Long story short, we heard from dozens of people about how successful they were and what stuck out in my mind was how they flaunted their diamonds.  You see, you achieve statuses in this organization and once you reach this diamond status, you are, well, rich.  These people showed off their beautiful clothing, they showed pictures of their beautiful homes, yachts, cars and vacations.  But what they lacked was humility.  They made their money off all of us in the audience.  It was a pyramid scheme all right.  Full of lust and greed.  They idolized getting rich and using other people.  I can remember going to the people who recruited us to tell them we were getting out – they were mad!  They would no longer earn an income off our purchases, and our attendance to these mandatory rallies.  And to try to keep us in their chain link, they had the person who recruited them to come and convince us to stay in the organization.  However, I just knew better and dug my heels in.  He too was mad!

That was not how Paul describes humility.

I have been reading The Calvary Road and this is what Roy Hession describes in chapter 4 how in humility we can reach Calvary. 

“The only way to the Highway is up a small, dark, forbidding hill – the Hill of Calvary.  It is the sort of hill we have to climb on our hands and knees – especially our knees.  If we are content with our present Christian life, if we do not desire with a desperate hunger to get on the Highway, we shall never get on our knees and thus never climb the hill.  But if we are dissatisfied, if we are hungry, then we will find ourselves ascending.  Don’t hurry.  Let God make you really hungry for the Highway; let Him really drive you to your knees in longing prayer.  Mere sightseers won’t get very far.  “Ye shall find me when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.” (Jer. 29:13)”


“Brokenness in daily experience is simply the response of humility to the conviction of God.”  (Roy Hession-“The Calvary Road”)

What have you chosen to clothe yourself with?  Is Christ the wardrobe you are wearing as a believer?

We are reminded in scripture that if any person be in Christ Jesus, he or she is a new creation; old things have passed away and all things have become new.

If we are truly confessing believers, we have to drop those desires to get rich quick.  We have to put on Christ which others will see as we navigate our way through our daily lives.  God’s people are being led by His Holy Spirit. 

That seems to be the problem with many Christians today – you cannot tell the difference between them and non-Christians.  There is no fruit bearing in many of their lives because they are trying to keep one foot in the world and one with Christ.  It just won’t work!  God wants us to crawl on our knees up the Hill of Calvary.  He wants to be the center of our lives with evidence of His presence with us!

 Image result for christ on the cross on calvary

I’ll leave you with a prayer I have often said.  It is from The Calvary Road.

“Lord, bend that proud and stiff necked I.  Help me to bow the head and die; beholding Him on Calvary, who bowed His head for me.”