
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Scripture Saturday ~ Proverbs 19:11 ~ Take a moment ~ Dealing with Anger

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Welcome to Scripture Saturday!

This coming week's memory verse is Proverbs 19:11...

A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense. (NIV)

Live a life of reflective living…it makes us proactive instead of reactive people. Stop. Take a pause. Pray and seek insight and wisdom. The reality is this: What happened happened. How will anger help the problem? Satan believes that it does because he wants to control, to win, to compete, to devour, to get the upper hand, to triumph. Do we really need the anger to drive us to manipulate or to punish? Do we want it to destroy an earthly relationship and injure our heavenly one? When you are filled with anger, promptly seek your Father out. Pray that you and He can look at your heart and find out not only why you feel the way you do, but also how you can go on in a way that brings Him glory.

Identify those areas, situations, or even times of day, where you tend to have a short fuse. Take time to pray about each situation beforehand. (iWorship)

Have a blessed day and week everyone!