
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Fret Not

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “ Don’t let anyone rent space in your head unless they are a good tenant.”  This is great advice that can help us avoid the anxiety-provoking stress of a troubled mind.  The Bible echoes this warning in our reading for today and gives us great instruction for promoting a healthier mindset. 
“Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.”(1-2) “To fret” means to wear away by rubbing or gnawing.” When we dwell on the actions of others, including unfair or unjust actions, we are allowing the associated anxiety to “eat away at us”, taking our peace and joy. Life is short, and there can be so much that we allow to vex and bother us that in the bigger picture doesn’t matter at all.  The “ comparison game” can be a deadly one because we fail to be grateful for what God has blessed and provided us with. 
If you pay attention to general conversations, you will inevitably realize just how worked up people get about what others do or don’t do. These conversations can spiral downward quickly and stir up negative, sinful, anxiety-ridden responses. While venting and talking out our frustrations can be a healthy thing to do, we must be careful to process through our emotions with the goal of gaining a healthy, spiritual focus. This passage gives us some keys to success.
1.    Trust in the Lord and do good.(3) Although we may feel a wrong or injustice has been committed against us, we should not repay evil with evil. 
2.    Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart (4) We will be disappointed when we seek fulfilment in other people. That can only come from God.
3.    Commit your way to the Lord. (5) Instead of being focused on “ my way” we should yield instead to “ Thy way”.  This requires a lot of trust that good will prevail because God is righteous and sovereign.
4.    “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him” (v7). Waiting on God requires a lot of discipline and faith. In this “ instant fix” and “ instant gratification” focused society, waiting can be hard. As we learn, however, to trust God’s timing and God’s all-knowing plan we can relax more in the uncertainty of “today”. 
5.    Refrain from anger and turn from wrath. (8) Unrestrained anger can be a destructive force. Sometimes we can allow the emotion of anger to create unnecessary anxieties not based on rational thought or perspective. Prayer, focus on the root cause of our anger, and asking God for guidance in dealing with and responding to that anger can combat anxiety.
God is watching over us and taking care of us. He knows that we are dealing with the injustices, frustrations and trials of living in a world where evil plots against us. He promises to be with us and encourages us to endure for He will prevail against evil. He wants us to be comforted and not burdened with paralyzing anxieties. He wants us to keep our focus on Him and trust Him. 
“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”(23-24)