
Monday, January 14, 2019

Freedom From Anxiety- Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled {John 14}

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” (John 14:27)

After suffering a childhood trauma, I was diagnosed with PTSD. As a result, I know full well the debilitating effects anxiety can have both mentally and physically in a person’s life. I have experienced the feelings of panic, fear, and irrational thoughts. I have been stuck in place frozen in fear; unable to take a step forward. I have had times of hiding myself away from the world because it was easier then dealing with my anxiousness. And although it’s a battle I still fight, there are ways I found to control anxiety so that it no longer controls me.

First and foremost is God. When I find the familiar feelings of anxiety creeping in, I immediately begin to pray. Praying keeps my mind from racing and focused on God. I cry out to Him all I am feeling, and picture His hand firmly gripping mine while I ride out the storm swirling inside. I read aloud from a list of Bible verses that I find both encouraging and comforting. I practice breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques learned from a trusted counselor. I take medication when necessary, not listening to the lie of the Enemy who whispers in my ear that there is shame in taking a pill. And most of all, I remind myself that no matter how bad it feels right now, this too shall pass.

If there is anything to be benefited from suffering with anxiety, it has taught me to be completely dependent on God. I love and trust Him implicitly, and lay claim to the promise of Jesus who tells me, “Peace I give to you.” A peace that although doesn’t promise a life free from trials and tribulations, does promise an internal peace so strong, no storm of anxiety can rattle. How is this internal peace supplied? The moment we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, One whom Jesus calls, “The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name.” (vs. 14:26), comes to indwell in us. The same Holy Spirit who gave Joshua, Gideon, and Samson the power to do seemingly impossible things, promises to also give us power over the demon of anxiety. I love what I found on the website Grace to You ( which says. “The peace Jesus is speaking of enables believers to remain calm in the most wildly fearful circumstances. It enables them to hush a cry, still a riot, rejoice in pain and trial, and sing in the middle of suffering.

God doesn’t want you living trapped in anxiety. If you’re suffering, be proactive. Begin with your doctor. Make sure there isn’t some underlying health issue causing your symptoms. Sometimes something as simple as diet and lifestyle changes can be all it takes to feel better. Talk to your minister, rabbi, pastor or priest. Ask around for recommendations for a good counselor. Share your feelings and struggles with those around you. And above all else, turn to the Lord. He loves you and wants to see you victorious in every area of your life. And just like Paul prayed for the Thessalonians, I too pray for you; “May the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.” (2 Thess. 3:16)