
Friday, November 23, 2018

He is able {Ephesians 3:1-4:32}

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,- Ephesians 3:20

This verse, teaches us that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond all we could dare to hope, ask, or think, according to His great power that is in work in us.

it's important to remember that it's His Power but it's THROUGH US, so it implies that we must cooperate with Him.

This means that we need to be daring in our faith, taking steps out of our comfort zone and stretch our faith out!

This has been such a beautiful reality in my life.

Let me share with you a little bit of what God has done in my life and how this Scripture has turned into a reality in my life.

When I was about 8 years-old, I remember being taught in school about continents in the world in my geography class.

 The moment we studied Africa, something sparked inside of me. Not sure what it was, but all of the sudden I knew I wanted to go to Africa. I wasn't sure if I was to go as a missionary or just as a tourist, the main goal was to visit Africa...from there I dedicated my young years to watch every single documentary from National Geographic or Discovery Channel, I would buy books (even recipe books about African Cuisine), magazines , etc.

Little did I know that fast forward the years, I would meet a young handsome African man online, whom I would start a friendship with and later after would become my husband and father to my children! my African children!!

How we meet, what we went through in our Long Distance relationship, the trials and joys are way to many to put here in a single blog post... it's a different story! 

What I really want to highlight... or what relates to today's scripture is the fact that God gave me that dream and desire for Africa, He created me for Africa, but leaving my country (Mexico), culture and most importantly my family was not easy at all... it's still not easy. There's not a single day in which I don't miss my parents and my siblings... I also miss my friends, and my food!! But when I left home God promised to take good care of me. He promised me to surround me with family, with moms, aunts and sisters to look after me. and it blows my mind away to see that He has not only done that but He has exceeded all my wildest dreams and expectations.

Every time I have gone through trials, difficulties, pregnancies and birth of my children God has always surrounded me with beautiful and God fearing ladies, whom have looked after me with so much love and care...whom have adopted me just as part of the family, just because!....just because of God's grace and promises that are YES AND AMEN!

God has a way for us to do everything He places in our hearts. He doesn't put dreams and desires in us just to frustrate us. We must trust in God all the way through the end, not just for a little while and then give us and the mountain looks way to big for us!

God does not usually call people who are capable; if he did, He would not get all the glory, but He usually chooses those, who, are ready to stand up and take bold steps of faith as they receive direction from the Lord.

We usually want to wait until we feel "ready" to take action but if we feel "ready" then we will tend to lean on ourselves rather that in God.

Let us learn to know our weaknesses and know God... His strength and faithfulness.

He is definitely able to do "superabundantly, far above and over" everything we could ever dare to ask or think...if only, believe and take a step out of obedience and faith.

Let Him surprise you :-)

Here some of my favourite pictures of my African- Mexican family... and my African life :-)

To give testimony and glory to my father who has definitely been faithful to His Word and promises.

Also, I pray this song ministers to you today, He alone is able!