
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Words By, Roxanna~ Varieties of Prayer

Prayer is the most important activity of your life. It is the main way in which you develop a relationship with our Father in heaven. If you love someone, naturally you will want to spend time in their presence communicating with them. Like any relationship, communication can take many different forms. Lancelot Andrewes (1555–1626), one of the great theologians and preachers of his day, wrote two lists in his Private Devotions:
First, he wrote a list of times of prayer in the Bible:
‘Always ...
Without ceasing ...
At all times ...
Three times a day ...
Evening, and morning, and at noon ...
Seven times a day ...
In the morning, a great while before day ...
At daybreak ...
The third hour of the day ...
About the sixth hour ...
The hour of prayer, the ninth ...
The evening ...
By night ...
At midnight ... ’.
Next, he wrote a list of places of prayer in the Bible:
‘In the assembly ... and in the congregation ...
Your closet ...
An upper room ...
A housetop ...
The temple ...
On the shore ...
A garden ...
On their beds ...
A desert place ...
In every place ... ’.
There is no limit to the times, places and different ways in which you can pray.