
Monday, October 1, 2018

More Than Enough {Luke 8:40-9:62}

After returning from being sent out by Jesus to preach the gospel, the disciples returned to give an account to the Lord of all they had done. Wanting to hear their news and spend time alone with them, Jesus took the twelve to the city of Bethsaida. However, eager for the teaching and healing of the Lord, a large crowd followed. Jesus spent the day ministering to the people, and in the evening the disciples approached Him saying, “Send the crowd away that they may go into the surrounding villages and countryside and find lodging and get something to eat; for here we are in a desolate place.” (vs. 9:12) But instead of encouraging the people to leave Jesus responded, “You give them something to eat!” (vs. 9:13)

I’m sure Jesus’ command must have caught the disciples off guard. Surrounded by a sea of hungry people, and with no apparent way to fill their growling stomachs, the options were bleak. There were no stores to purchase food, and even if there were they didn’t have the money needed to provide for everyone. While the disciples searched for solutions, Andrew found a boy with a meager lunch of five barley loaves and two fish. He presented the small offering to Jesus asking, “But what are these for so many people?” (John 6:9) 

Have you ever felt like Andrew? With all of the hurt and need in the world do you ever feel like what you have to offer is too little to make a difference? But as the disciples found out, when we bring all we have to Jesus, no matter how small, it is not only enough, in the hands of God it becomes more than enough. 

After having the disciples seat the people in groups of fifty, the Lord took the bread and fish, “and looking up to heaven, He blessed them, and broke them, and kept giving them, to the disciples to set before the people. And they all ate and were satisfied; and the broken pieces which they left over were picked up, twelve baskets full.” (vs. 9:16-17) 

I can just imagine the wonder and amazement felt as the bread and fish kept flowing. Most of all I imagine that young boy who watched the meager lunch he so graciously gave, feed the masses. What a glorious feeling must have filled his heart as he witnessed how through his one small gift, thousands were blessed. Isn’t it wonderful how God works! He takes what we offer and not only does He use it to bless others, but He blesses us by graciously allowing us to join in His work. For just as Proverbs 11:25 tells us, “the one who blesses others is abundantly blessed.” By merely speaking a word Jesus could have manifested food right then and there, but instead He allowed both great and small to share in the blessing by feeding the crowd with the sparse food of a boy and with the hands of the disciples who passed out the meal to the people. 

Just like that young lad, God wants us to bring to Him what we have. He isn’t concerned with the size of our offering, but rather the condition of our heart when we give it. Even though the boy’s gift seemed no more than a drop in the bucket compared to the need, because he eagerly gave it to the Lord in faith and trust, a seemingly insufficient donation became an abundance of blessing! And how thankful are we for a Lord who when we work hand in hand with Him to meet the needs of others, promises to meet ours in ways we can scarcely imagine!