
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Jesus Revealed (Luke 24)Luke

Jesus told his followers about his coming death and resurrection on the third day.  But, those words were not 100% embraced.  Perhaps the trauma of witnessing the brutal torture and death of Jesus just seemed too fresh and too final. Perhaps the true meaning of what Jesus prophesied just couldn’t fully register within the limited understanding of the human mind. But, God did not plan to leave the mind darkened, questions unanswered, or hopes dashed. God wanted the light of truth and understanding to triumph over the darkness.

As the women in Luke 24 arrive at the tomb of Jesus on the 3rd day, they are fully expecting to find the dead body of Jesus and plan to anoint it with spices. When they find the tomb empty they don’t know what to make of this. They do, however, encounter angels who ask a very pointed question. “Why do you seek the living among the dead? Remember what Jesus told you (v5-6). As I was studying commentaries for this chapter, this comment stood out “Many look for Jesus in dead things – religious traditionalism, formalism, man’s rules, human effort and ingenuity. We find Jesus only where there is resurrection life, where He is worshipped Spirit and in truth.” As the women remembered Jesus words, they believed and they went enthusiastically to share that good news. The words of Jesus are so precious because they promise us hope. Just like these women, we don’t have to see the risen Lord, we just have to trust his words and place our hope solely on the power that raised him from the dead. 

On the road to Emmaus, Jesus himself joins 2 men who are conversing together about the events of His trial and crucifixion. They are kept from recognizing him but when asked what they are talking about “they stood still looking sad.”(v17) These 2 men were disappointed and in despair. They had placed high hopes in Jesus. “But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened.” (V21) They had heard the story of the empty tomb but they did not realize that this empty tomb was the key to their eternal hopes. Jesus chided them for not understanding the prophetic truths they were witnessing and for not making the spiritual connections: 
“And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?””(25-26)
And then Jesus does an amazing thing. “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.”
Luke 24:27

Here are a few verses he likely gave as an example: Isaiah 53:3-5, Isaiah 50:5-7, Daniel 9:26, Zachariah 12:10. These verses are just a few examples, however among hundreds. The “scarlet thread” as it is sometimes referred to, runs throughout the Bible, extending through all of time. Jesus interpreted the scripture meanings and intricate connections to these 2 men. God wants to unlock the meaning of Scripture to us as well. He wants us to recognize Him throughout Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Most importantly, He wants us to recognize what we need from Him.  We need the power of his triumph over death, destruction and evil. We need the hope of serving a risen Savior who has paid the ultimate ransom for our sins and we need the assurance of eternal life with God. 

Every day that we open the Word, we encounter Jesus. He wants to make himself known. He wants to give us hope. He wants to give us understanding. He wants us to fully embrace his words and spiritually conquer a better understanding of them. Be encouraged as you read the Word that Jesus is alive today, ready to join you on your journey, and He wants his words to impact you too.