
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

A Love Greater Than Life Itself

A Love Greater Than Life Itself

‘I've found a love greater than life itself,’ sings Ben Cantelon in his song, ‘Love Came Down’. To some, this might sound like mere romantic sentiment. In fact, it expresses a great theological truth.

In the beginning, God created life on this earth – not out of need or because he was lonely, but out of love. His love is the power that created life. Parents cannot claim that love itself willed their child into existence – but God’s love for you is the reason there is a ‘you’ to love in the first place!

You are alive because of love. Not only that, but God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that we would not perish but receive eternal life (John 3:16). Jesus died, and yet he rose again to life, conquering the grave. The love of God truly is greater than life itself.

