
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Land Promised by God {Ezekiel 43-48}

August 7, 2018

I had a post written and on the blog ready for today last week, until God woke me up and reminded me that the ‘land’ is my heart.

“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God.  Let them be a living and holy sacrifice (pause), the kind He will accept.”  (Romans 12:1)

43:10-12 “…describe to the people of Israel the Temple I have shown you.  Tell them its appearance and its plan so they will be ashamed of all their sin.  And if they are ashamed of what they have done, describe to them all the specifications of its construction – including its entrances and doors – and everything else about it.  Write down all these specifications and directions as they watch so they will be sure to remember them.  And this is the basic law of the Temple: absolute holiness!  The entire top of the hill where the Temple is built is holy.  Yes, this is the primary law of the Temple.”

 Image result for 1 corinthians 6:19-20

“All of the regulations God gave Ezekiel to give to the Israelites are meant to be obeyed – then I will accept you, says the Sovereign Lord.”  43:27b

Sacrifices are costly.  Imagine buying or raising a bull/cow/goat and raising it NOT for your consumption!  In today’s economy that would cost you hundreds of dollars.  You never get that money back – it belongs to God.

When we sacrifice our desires for a better house, or better body, or health for ourselves or a family member, we accept that we may not get it back – it’s costly!

These final chapters of Ezekiel have made me realize the sacrificial system and God’s regulations a bit better.  Obedience allows me back into the land I desire.  Obedience allows God to take up residence and His glory fills the temple and thus radiates out of me.
The sea that will become fresh refers to the Dead Sea, a body of water so salty that nothing can live in it.  The river will freshen the Dead Sea’s water so it can support life.  This is another picture of the life-giving nature of the water that flows from God’s Temple.  God’s power can transform us no matter how lifeless or corrupt we may be.  Even when we feel messed up and beyond hope, His power can heal us.

We can learn so much from this street preacher – Ezekiel didn’t have the luxury of preaching from a pulpit.  He spent 22 years in Babylon, but he lived what he preached.  Ezekiel ends this book in hope and proclaims the faithfulness of God and tells of future blessings.

Image result for ezekiel 48:14


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Begins August 31st! on Women in the Word.