
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Face In The Crucible {Zechariah 10 - 14}

August 28, 2018

I had to use the title from the devotional for today – it just made sense after the day I just had.

Life has a way of bringing about challenges.  God uses these challenges to apply a cleansing heat to pride, bad attitude and selfishness, just to name a few.  This holy heat is applied with purpose.  God wants to see Himself in us and just as a silversmith waits patiently for the clear image of himself, these struggles refine us into God’s image.  God uses the heat of life to purify us into a pure picture of Himself.

It all boils down to a choice – we can sit here and read this blog post and get godly advice from godly women.  We can sit at church Sunday after Sunday and we can spend every morning in a Bible study and still not want to be refined.  We can step out of the process and refuse to let go of the dross.

God is calling us daily by giving us ways to grow, desiring to refine us in the fires of His love, yet we walk away.  We whine about how tough life is and we look for that dross and we go backwards and not forwards.  But in order to reach that perfect silver, we have to endure the heat of life.  Once all the dross (sin) has been removed, then God will see Himself in me.

It’s hard!  And humbling to go through this process.  But I want to grow and be refined.  I want every situation in life to guide me closer to the image of Christ.

Lord, don’t let me refuse the refinement of your holy fire.  I want to be more like you.  Help me to be made into a silver that reflects You.  Please help these daily struggles to not be in vain.  Help me to see them as opportunities for you to work in my life.  I don’t want to walk away from the heat.  I don’t want to take myself out of the growth process.  I don’t want to hang onto the dross and impurities and the gunk.

I choose to be refined.  I choose to grow.  I choose obedience.  I choose to be set apart as holy to the Lord (14:22).

Image result for zechariah 13:9